Graham Rathlin
Graham Rathlin is from Belfast but has lived in the East End of London for over twenty years. He was on his way to Los Angeles to seek fame and fortune but stopped off on the Isle of Dogs and found he just couldn't leave. In the years that followed Graham fell in love with the place and began to fit right in. "Cor blimey, the people are so warm and friendly. Everyone leaves their front doors wide open and, if it all comes on top there's always someone willing to make you a nice cup of jessop. I'll bet it's not like that in L.A." Graham was a practising alcoholic for many years then one day decided to give up drinking and make films instead. Graham says: "I found this old super-8 camera in the occupational therapy room and the rest is history. I took to it like a duck to water. I've never looked back. I've never won any awards and I certainly don't intend to start now, so ye can stuff yer fancy prizes where the sun don't shine. I just want to make films." Graham is still receiving counselling on an out-patient basis.
17 years ago