Hani El Omary هاني العمري

Hani El Omary هاني العمري

Hani El Omary (Real name: Daniel Mghames),was born on 1969 is a Lebanese singer

Hani holds a degree in acting and directing from the Lebanese University

Influenced since his beginnings by the great Wadih al-Safi, began his artistic career based on his talent and personal effort

He presented a series of emotional songs, the most famous of which was "Mushtaq Aadomik", which raised the shares of his fame and followed by a series of emotional songs, which was dedicated by a star beloved, and the result was the title of "passion and romance."

Head to the business world where he opened a restaurant in Batroun

He released seven albums that he produced between 1990 and 2005, which he started with "Mushtaq Aadomik", and in 1994 he released his second album "mulfit lel nazar", followed by "te3jebni talletak"
In 1997 he released his album "so3bi " and " Aajabtini ktir " in 1999, "kelloun chafouk" in 2000, and in addition to the album "Malak rouhi" in 2003. During his career, Al-Omari has released a new album for the giants of Arabic singing.

He has released several solo songs, "sade2ni bhebbak" and others