
Hi i am Archana Prakash MD in acupressure , naturopathy, Auricular therapy .Dailymotion is the best platform for sharing my knowledge with maximum people. As I am naturopath I believe in natural remedies that can cure people in healthy and natural ways. on our channel you will find health and beauty related tips to get rid from your day to day problems without any side effects with the help of naturopathy, home remedy, ayurvedic treatment and alternative therapy.
Disclaimer-all remedies and cure shared in this channel are based on personal experience and not a substitute for any medicine. If you use any remedies plz ask your doctor .
cure bad breath with the help of acupressure_एक्यूप्रेशर की मदद से मुंह की बदबू को ठीक करें#hindi
last year
Diabetes ko cure kare home remedies se_मधुमेह का इलाज करे घरेलू उपचार से _natural remedy for sugar
2 years ago
Acupressure point for Body pain & joint pain #hopenaturecure #acupressure#shorts #body&jointpain
2 years ago
All types fever home remedies सभी प्रकार के बुखार के घरेलू उपचार_ #shorts #hopenaturecure
2 years ago
Knee pain_Elbow pain_Sciatica_Spondylitis_All type body pain treatment with Harsingaar_Piles_Energy all problems treat naturally
2 years ago
Health Benefits Of Chironji / Chironji Khane Ke Fayde/चिरौंजी खाने के ये फायदे आपको चौंका देंगे
2 years ago
अपराजिता की मदद से प्राकृतिक उपचार _माइग्रेन, बुखार, पुरानी खांसी, टॉन्सिल और हाइड्रोसिल का इलाज/ Migraine ,Fever, cough ,tonsil and hydrosil treatment with the help of Aprajitat
2 years ago
Mouth ulcer_मुंह के छाले का एक्यूप्रेशर और घरेलू उपाय द्वारा इलाज़_Hopenaturecure
2 years ago
हीमोग्लोबिन कैसे बढ़ाएँ_ एनीमिया कैसे ठीक करें_आयरन की कमी को कैसे पूरा करें_increase hemoglobin
2 years ago
Treatment of diabetes(sugar) by acupressure_/ cure sugar level by seed therapy
2 years ago
गले में कुछ फंसा हुआ महसूस होना _Something stucked in throat treatment by Acupressure_hopenaturecure
2 years ago
Karela ke Fayde: Are diseases bothering you? Start consuming bitter gourd, then see; miracle will happen
2 years ago
Tennis elbow_ कोहनी का दर्द कारण,लक्षण और उपचारElbow pain causes, symptom and treatment.#tenniselbow
2 years ago
नाभि ठीक करने का सबसे आसान और सरल घरेलू उपचार_home remedies to cure navel displacement_नाभि डिग्ना
2 years ago
what is piles/ hemorrhoid's . Its causes, symptoms and treatment
2 years ago
Q&A video Bleeding piles, vaginal itching,white discharge,cough&cold,all problem solution in 1 video
2 years ago
टाइफाइड होने पर इस पानी का use करे और अपनी Typhoid को ठीक करे Use this water if you have typhoid
2 years ago
Benifits of navel massage with essential oil/नाभि मालिश के लाभ /cure acne, pimples, pigmentation,face glow, infertility,hair fall,dry skin and many more
2 years ago
what is sciatica/Sciatica pain क्या होता है, , इसके कारण, लक्षण और बचाव/Sciatica में क्या खाये क्या ना खाये
2 years ago
Q&A video Bleeding piles, vaginal itching, white discharge, cough and cold,all problem solution in 1 video
2 years ago
सर्दियां में ताड़ गुड़ खाने के लाभ /Benefits of eating palm jaggery in winter
2 years ago
cough/chronic cough treatment by acupressure
4 years ago