Paul Mignot

Paul Mignot

« Mood » is a collection of 4 short films, intimately conceived, and directed by Paul Mignot.
« Mood » is not a series of fictions, or of documentaries, or of music videos, but a combination of all these elements, the outline of an approach to filmmaking...
Visiting four countries in search of unique moments.
From the townships of Johannesburg, via New York or the industrial basins of the Czech Republic.
London, by night, by day, in the eyes of Elodie Yung.

Paul Mignot centers his work around the human animal, on observing him, on really looking at him, on listening to him in conjunction with the visual. He loves to sublimate the reality of life.

Paul : « This collection was born of the need to allow myself to be carried by the chances and madness of life, or simply to look truthfully and honestly at the Other in an moment devoid of promises, devoid of lies, just picking up a message, silent as it may be...”

« Mood » is the honesty of images laid over meaningful music, set in a jewel-box of aestheticism and emotions.