
My goal is to post a new video every day at 17:00 for as long as I possibly can.
My content is fair to good, on a good day, but I would really appreciate it if you could hit that subscribe button.

Many videos that I have uploaded to this channel at the time of "uploading" can be considered "Out of date"
This is because of the date and time of the videos recorded are always set in the past.

For instance... If you was to watch every single one of my gaming videos, you would of watched me grow up from the ages of 16 years, all the way up to 33 years "During the time of writing this that is"

Another goal and passion of mine is flipping items online, and talking with like minded people that have ideas to share when it comes to making money both online, as well as offline.

This goal and passion was a inspiration to do better in life, and to set myself goals and challenges.