Videos archived from 01 February 2012 Noon
'Deathcaps' for a Reason: Don't Eat This MushroomCommunicating with Aliens: A Complicated Science
How Copyright and Patent Laws Stymie Scientific Progress
Pain Mandate to Blame for Uptick in US Opioid Overdoses?
Gary Lynch Disagrees with Hawking's Remarks About Aliens
Lord Martin Rees on Humanity's Unique Place in the Cosmos
Seriously: Alcohol and Rattlesnakes Don't Mix
Elysia Chlorotica: A Sap-Sucking, Solar-Powered Sea Slug
Is 2012 the End of Time? Modern-Day Mayans Say No
NASA's David Morrison Answers 2012 Conspiracy Theorists
Neuroscientist Gary Lynch on Creating a Memory Map
Planet X and 2012: NASA's Morrison Refutes the 'Evidence'
What Is the Evolutionary Purpose of Art?
End-of-Life Care: Weighing Ethics and Rationing Resources
Get Real: Americans' Irrational Approach to Mortality
Wired for Bad Behavior? Don't Blame It on Your Genes
Can Happiness Cure Cancer? Not Likely Says Ehrenreich
Dr. Jill Tarter: How SETI Looks and Listens for ET
Dr. Jill Tarter: What Happens After SETI Discovers ET?
Helen Fisher: Why Do Fools Fall in Love?
In Search of ET: Should We Broadcast?
The Human-Chimp Split: A Closer Look at the Fossil Record
Jonah Lehrer: The Neurological Roots of Gambling
Mr. Mind: Blurring the Line Between Human and Computer
The Role of 'Evil Psychology' in Criminal Interrogations
The Secret to Investing? Outwit Your Brain
To Catch a Thief: The Psychology of a Criminal
Asperger Syndrome: Dealing with the Diagnosis
Susan Greenfield: How Do We Define Our Identities Online?
Susan Greenfield: This Is Your Brain on Cognition
Does Saturn's Moon Resemble Ancient Earth?
Seeing Is Believing: How the Brain Interprets Vision
Shirky Offers Advice to Create Succesful Social Software
Cracking the Code: Disease Research and the Human Genome
Lactose Intolerance and the Evolution of Human Digestion
Personalized Medicine: The Future of Genomic Sequencing
Positive Selection: Is the Human Genome Evolving?
Better Targeting: Voter Databases Can Win an Election
Daschle Blasts Media for Sensational Healthcare Coverage
Does Racism Drive Drug Prohibition?
Galactic Neighbor Spews Out Gas in Brilliant Explosions
Public Option Necessary if Insurers Tightly Regulated?
T.R. Reid: Universal Healthcare Will Begin at State Level
The Moral Responsibility of Nonprofit Healthcare
Tom Daschle: Treating an Illegal Immigrant with H1N1
How Early Bonding Years Affect Brain Development
Proof You Went Psychotic Last Night
Is Poor Sleep a Factor in Alzheimer's and Dementia?
Antonio Damasio: How Emotions Help Us Make Decisions
Billy Tauzin: Healthcare Reform for the American People
Emotions and Evolution: What Would Genes Do?
Former NASA Admin Recalls Mars Pathfinder Mission
Robot Soccer and the Future of Autonomous Behavior
Scientists Debunk 'Genetic Matchmaking'
The Difference Between Feeling and Emotion
The Power of Suggestion: How to Implant False Memories
Using Designer Babies to Save Siblings
What Are the Blue Dogs Really Afraid Of?
Brainwashing: The Key to Weight Loss?
Can Eastern Philosophy Improve Western Medicine?
Healthcare Reform: Emanuel Says High-Touch Not High-Tech
Session Live Amalgame Musical - The Atomic Sheep
Will 'Citizen Science' Revolutionize Medicine?
Will Wikipedia Replace Scientific Journals?
Authorizing Torture: The Gestapo and Abu Ghraib
Jimmy Wales: Should Wikipedia Editors Be Paid?
Jimmy Wales: Wikipedia and Mutually Assured Destruction
Yochai Benkler: Taking the Wiki Model Offline
Can Control Affect How Long You Live?
Future Spacecraft and the Hunt for Habitable Planets
How Expectations Bias Your Wine Selection
SETI@home Chief Scientist on Sending Porn Into Space
SETI@home: Discover ET Using Your Personal Computer
23andMe Cofounder on Medical Benefits of Genetic Testing
Geoffrey Nunberg: GOP Scrambling to Find New Language
Geoffrey Nunberg: The Semantics of Torture
Is Teenage Pregnancy Genetic?
Journeying Through Space and Time in a Wormhole
The Linguistics of Economic Terminology
The Obstacles and Dangers of Unlocking the Human Genome
The Personal Genomic Dilemma: Privacy vs. Convenience
Dr. Mary Young Explains the Swine Flu Virus
Is Denial the Solution to Bereavement and Depression?
Paul Ehrlich Criticizes the Dangerous US Electrical Grid
We're Not All Paying Attention to the Same World
How Bogota's Mayor Used 'Traffic Mimes' to Fight Crime
Paul Ehrlich Argues Pro-Life Policies 'Kill Women'
Raymond Fisman: The Witches of Tanzania
The Dreaded Tsetse Fly Bite and African Sleeping Sickness
The Lesser of Two Evils: Parasites Have Medical Potential
Tony Abbott Exposes the Dangers of Euthanasia
Alan Boss: NASA Budget a Drop in the Federal Bucket
David Ewing Duncan Tries Neuromarketing
David Ewing Duncan on Activating His Super Longevity Gene
Dr. Lisa Bero: Drug Companies and Manipulative Marketing
The Triple Bind: Cultural Demands on Teenage Girls
Can Science Emulate Evolution to Solve Global Problems?
Is Technology Dependence De-Evolving Human Emotion?
Neil deGrasse Tyson: Bush Innocent in War on Science
Neil deGrasse Tyson: World Will (Not) End in 2012