Archived > 2012 February > 01 Noon > 70

Videos archived from 01 February 2012 Noon

Frank Deford Believes The Olympic Games Are Outdated
Frank Deford Witnesses the Power of Sport
George Lakoff Analyzes the Linguistics of Gay Marriage
George Lakoff Exposes Conservative Marketing Strategies
George Lakoff on Barack Obama's Empathy Campaign
Hamm Investigates New Liberal Media's Role in Election
Keith Ward Reveals Kant's Rational Belief in God
Meredith Norton on 'Obnoxious' French People
Meredith Norton on Death, Doctors, & the Humor of Cancer
Meredith Norton's 'Falsie' Makes for an Embarrassing Swim
Paul Roberts Links Biofuels 'Debacle' to High Food Prices
Paul Roberts Warns Against Antibiotics in Animal Feed
Roberts Predicts Rising Food Prices
Rushdie Offers His 'Antidote' to Religious Bigotry
Sam Gosling Analyzes Facebook Profiles
Sam Gosling Predicts Political Orientation
Theodore Hamm on Political Style and Substance
FCC Commissioner Calls for Citizen Effort to Reform Media
Josh Marshall on Language in Advocacy Journalism
Robert Scheer Calls Bush's 'Imperial Model' a Failure
Robert Scheer Warns Against More Defense Spending
Robert Scheer on Wasteful Defense Spending
Salman Rushdie Compares Himself to Machiavelli
Salman Rushdie on Storytelling in the Renaissance Era
Challenging Unsafe Sex in the 3rd World
Exploring Identity in the Photography of Adi Nes
Frank Deford on the Hypocrisy of Athletic Scholarships
John Berger: Forests, Ecologists, and the Timber Industry
Male Circumcision to Prevent HIV
Photographer Adi Nes Explains His Creative Process
Rom Brafman Describes Human Irrationality
Rom Brafman: How We Fulfill Others' Expectations
Rom Brafman: The Psychology of Hiring Interviews
Salman Rushdie on Sex and Drugs in the Mughal Empire
Adi Nes on Why He Lives in Israel
Charlayne Hunter-Gault on Reporting on Africa
HIV and AIDS Prevention Failure in the Developing World
Meredith Maran Reads About Bisexual Eroticism
Rev. Gomes Defends Jeremiah Wright's Views on Race
Rev. Peter Gomes: What Would Jesus Say to Gay Marriage?
Richard Preston Enters Level 4 Lab to Find Ebola Virus
Richard Preston Exposed to Deadly Virus X
Richard Preston on a Mother's Exposure to Ebola Blood
Rushdie Answers 'How Does the World See America?'
Salman Rushdie Reads from 'The Enchantress of Florence'
Sandra Day O'Connor Addresses Attacks on Judges
Sandra Day O'Connor Discusses 'Our Courts'
Sandra Day O'Connor Expands on the Game 'Our Courts'
Andrew von Eschenbach on the FDA Drug Approval Process
Andrew von Eschenberg - The Source of Salmonella Tomatoes
David Sirota: People, Not Presidents, Bring Change
David Sirota: Progressive or Conservative Uprising?
Dr. Andrew von Eschenbach on FDA Clinical Trials
Drew Westen: How the GOP Activates the Unconscious Mind
Ellen Sussman Compiles Literary Sex Dirty Words
Ellen Sussman on her Brother's Womanizing
Frank Luntz: How Obama Benefited from Clinton's Mistake
George Soros on Newspeak and the War on Terror
Jack Miles: Artistic Propaganda or Propagandistic Art?
Jim Nantz - Tom Brady Beats Bush and Clinton at Golf
Jim Nantz Golfs with James Bond
Jim Nantz on Boating and Socializing with Bush & Clinton
Junot Diaz Reads from All Our Gratitudes
Masha Gessen Analyzes the Success of Communist Ads
Orville Schell on Orwell, China and Totalitarianism
Phillips and Buruma on Hidden Identities Made Visible
Rev. Peter Gomes - God Does Not Belong to Just One Faith
Thomas Henriksen Favors Indirect Support of Democracy
Thomas Henriksen on Learning From Mistakes Before Iraq
Why Liberals and Conservatives Don't Think the Same
Caryl Phillips on Anonymity and Cultural Identity
David Sirota Defines Populism and Uprisings
Fernando and Greg Discuss Publicizing the Personal
Fernando and Greg Remember Coming Out on the Air
Jakob Kellenberger: Coordination in International Crises
Jakob Kellenberger: Prioritizing After Natural Disasters
Jeff Raz - How a Clown Makes a Living
Jeff Raz Defines Clowning and its Philosophy
Jeff Raz on Training Clowns in College
Julie Salamon Describes the Maimonides Emergency Room
Julie Salamon on Hospital Politics and Feuding
Ken Burns on Hispanic Stories in The War
Ken Burns on Putting a Film to Music
Ken Burns on the Emotional Potency of Interviewing
Mike Farrell Reflects on his Stint in Halfway House
Mike Farrell Reveals MASH Shenanigans
Mike Farrell on the American Prison System
Nick Heil Cautions Against Mercenary Everest Guides
Nick Heil on the 'Recipe' for Danger on Mt. Everest
Phillips and Buruma: From Assimilation to Extremism
Simon Winchester on Joesph Needham's Political Naivete
Simon Winchester on Joseph Needham's Epic Project
Simon Winchester on Lu Gwei-Djen, Needham's Assistant
Why Julie Salamon Wrote About a Hospital
Burn in Glory: Jonah Raskin on Jack London's Celebrity
Carey Perloff Discusses the Dilemma of Marketing Theater
Carey Perloff on the Inherent Elitism of Theater
Censorship of Artistic Expression
Counterfeit Crochet Project
Dr. Nancy Snyderman Describes Lyme Disease