Archived > 2012 December > 04 Evening > 10

Videos archived from 04 December 2012 Evening

Are There Still Proper Intellectuals in China?
Betty Fussell, Grass-fed Beef Is Like a Fine Wine
Luis Moreno-Ocampo Describes Darfur as a 'Crime Scene'
Elisabeth Semel - How to Abolish the Death Penalty
Size Selâm Getirmişem - Azerbaycan Türk Halk Türküsü
The Importance of George Washington’s Cabinet
Zegart, Government Agencies Need 'Adapt or Die' Mentality
China Rethinks the Nature of Democracy
Amy Zegart, Old School Mentality of CIA/FBI Allowed 9/11
Ned Temko's Take on an Arab Majority in the Jewish State
Robert Baer Talks to Suicide Bombers
David Hardaker, Egyptian Bloggers are Empowering Media
Marian Wright Edelman on the Cradle to Prison Pipeline
Betty Fussell on Prime Beef and Angus Cattle
Robert Baer Likens Sunni Muslims to Anarchists
Dr. Geoff Raby on the 'Normalization' of China
Should the Next Administration Pursue Democracy Promotion
Karl Sharro on Issues in a Post-Zionist Israel
Thomas Sowell: Obama is the Most Unconstrained Politician
Betty Fussell on the History of Cheap Meat
Thomas Sowell on Barack Obama's Unconstrained Vision
Clean Coal Technology is China's Energy Future
Adrian Hornsby, China Has to Keep 'Riding the Bull'
Sara Roy, Aid to Palestine Hurts Palestinians
Gerry Simpson Offers an Alternative to the Iraq Invasion
George Washington’s Advice on Handling the Iraq War
Vali Nasr: What if Israel Preemptively Strikes Iran?
Jim Kolbe Suggests 3 USAID Reforms
Thomas Sowell on McCain's Flip-Flopping Visions
Adam Crawford: Generational Gap Creating Cultural Anxiety
Moreno-Ocampo: The Case Against President al-Bashir
Communism and the Next Generation of Chinese
A Knife or a Gun, Which is More Lethal?
Andrew Natsios Believes U.S. Foreign Aid is 'Paralyzed'
George Mitchell on Illegal Prisoner Detention by Bush
Stuart Waiton, We've Lowered the Bar for Safety
Rebelle - Making Of VOST
Rebelle - Making Of VOST
Fouad Ajami Praises Bush and Cheney for the Iraq War
Marian Wright Edelman on Impoverished Children in the US
Mark Easton, We Live in a Fragmenting Society
Gerry Simpson Defines War Crimes
Amb. Husain Haqqani on Pakistan and the War on Terror
Simpson on Trying Henry Kissinger for War Crimes
Thomas Powers Supports an Obama-Taliban Dialogue
Comparing Barack Obama and John McCain’s Tax Plans
Julian Burnside: Sovereign Immunity and Invading Nations
Marion Wright Edelman on Early Development and Education
de Soto and Stiglitz, An Inadequate Property Info System
Daron Shaw Analyzes Key Battleground States
Sara Roy on the Benefits of a Hamas Government
İşitme Engelliler GamgGam Hamam.)
Daron Shaw Lists McCain's Weakest Demographics
Richard Brookhiser on the Leadership of George Washington
The Constitutionality of Changing the Electoral Process
Vali Nasr is Suspicious of US Reliance on Pakistani Army
George Mitchell - Behind the Scenes of a Filibuster
5 Reasons to Support the Electoral College
John McCain's Tax Plan to Create Jobs
Tomasky Foresees Little Change During Obama's 1st Year
Frank Rich Predicts Repercussions of an Obama Defeat
John Koza - The Electoral College is Flawed
Joesph Stiglitz: Rhetoric & Reality of US Economic Model
Amy Zegart Argues for Radical FBI and CIA Reform
Fouad Ajami, Sunni Arabs Lost the War for Baghdad
Fiorina Foresees Unintended Consequences of 2008 Election
Vin Weber Projects Polls if McCain Had Beaten Cheney
George Mitchell: US Role in Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Joe Lieberman Supports John McCain on Free Trade
Niall Ferguson: How Democrats Endanger the Economy
Joe Lieberman Explains John McCain's Iraq Exit Strategy
Thomas Mann Evaluates Obama and McCain Tax Cuts
Ann Wright Profiles Whistleblower Adrienne Kinne
Fouad Ajami on Jihadists, Abu Ghraib and Arab Life
George Mitchell, Everyone Should Have Healthcare Coverage
Hanson - Palin, a Feminist Icon and Victim of Elitism
Angelina Jolie, Peace is Impossible Without Justice
Could an Obama Victory Set Back Racial Equality?
Ponnuru: Democratic Majority in Congress Helps McCain
Victor Davis Hanson on Obama's Suspicious Political Past
Vin Weber Questions Linking Democracy to Prosperity
Leonard Burman Questions Logic of Candidates' Tax Plans
Ward Connerly - California Since Prop. 209
Victor Davis Hanson on John McCain's Tragic Flaw
Ward Connerly and the End of Affirmative Action
Ann Wright: Barack Obama is Not a Peace Candidate
Richard Land Argues Marriage is Public, Not Personal
David Frum - The Grand Old Party is Outdated
Debating the Pro-Life Stance of the Democratic Platform
Ferguson Stresses China-US Relations in Economic Crisis
Alexander Stubb Outlines Ways to Strengthen EU
Are European Courts Surpassing the U.S. Supreme Court?
Christopher Kremmer: Greed in the Free Market
Joe Lieberman: John McCain Believes in Soft Power
Jim Wallis Lists the Religious Issues of 2008 Election
Naomi Klein Slams Robert Rubin's Economic Policy
Linda Greenhouse Dreams About Sandra Day O'Connor
Richard Land - The Evangelical Vote and John McCain
Ann Wright: What Happens to Soldiers Who Speak Up?
Paul Hudnut on Philanthropy & For-Profit Business Models