Videos archived from 04 December 2012 Morning
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Vecinos - La Niñera (2) -
Biography Book Review: Kisses from Katie: A Story of Relentless Love and Redemption by Katie J. Davi
micka et de retour bientot!
Eko Fresh feat. Azra & Resul Barini - Dünya Dönüyor (HD)
Luoi Tinh 24
Високосный Год - Кино
Free Range teaser
Fitness Book Review: How to Spot a Dangerous Man Before You Get Involved: Describes 8 Types of Dange
Vecinos - La Niñera (3) - YouTube
L'édition 2012 en image
Advertencia de Obama a Assad por armas químicas
Mondial-2015 - Saint-André : ''Eviter les Blacks en quarts''
Repaso de la décimo cuarta jornada de la Liga BBVA
WCW Nitro 12-11-95
Let's compare ( Popeye )
Les Ivrognes du Poney Fringuant
Gazipaşa Dostlar ile Hafta Sonu.
Bolivie- Copacabana: En direct de la benediction des voitures...
ASIL President Introduces ASIL Annual General Meeting
Evgeny Morozov: Opinions of Friends Matter Most Online
Will Conservatives Rally Around Mitt Romney?
Ben Ferencz: International Law Must Deter Aggression
Challenge of Protecting Client Financial Confidentially
Jury Challenges in International Cyber Cases
Ramon Marks: 'The Alien Tort Claims Act on Life Support'
U.S. Competitiveness Suffers Without National Healthcare
Asma Jahangir Accepts the Goler T. Butcher Medal
Indigenous Rights and International Law
The ‘Commandments of Cross Examination’ in Int’l Law
The Potential of Africa's Emerging Financial Market
International Law and Judging Wrongful Conduct
In Human Trafficking Cases, Prevention Should Come First
Rachel Maddow: Why Conservative Media Model Works
The Influence of the PCA in International Law Courts
John Yoo's Argument Against 'Global Governance'
James Crawford on the Importance of International Law
UN Legal Counsel: Saving Civilians Means 'Taking Action'
Asma Jahangir: Pakistan Lawyers Protecting Human Rights
Corruption, Deception and the Importance of Due Diligence
Eli Pariser: The Internet Is Making Us Less Informed
Global Government: A Disease or Metamorphosis?
Jodi Kantor: The 'Political Potency' of the Obamas
Marco Rubio's Vice Presidential Aspirations Slip
Measuring the Success of Pro Bono Work
Shell's General Counsel on New Frontiers of Legal Risk
Procedural Issues Distract from Victims in Chevron Case
'Kony 2012' and the Portrayal of African Conflict
Thomas Drake: '9/11 Became a Profit Center' for the NSA
Complexity of International Law in Domestic Courts
Holding a State Liable: A Federal Judge's Perspective
The Role of Cyber Operations in International Law
Russ Feingold: Why I Support the Wisconsin Recall
Time's Joe Klein on Whether US Ready for Mormon President
Michael Douglas: Experience as Messenger of Peace for UN
R. James Woolsey: OPEC's Cartel and Its Oil Monopoly
K - The Royal Variety Performance 2012
Van Jones: The Financial Sector is Sucking America Dry
Feingold Criticizes Citizens United Decision
How Americans Are Misinformed About Iran
Paul Ryan Weighs in on Possible VP Nomination
Tom Brokaw: The Global Consequences of Greek Debt
Fatou Bensouda: The ‘Shadow’ of the ICC
Barghouti: 'U.N. Membership Will Give Palestine Hope'
Responsibility to Protect as a Principle
Palestinian 'State' Would Fail to Recognize Israel
Rep. Paul Ryan: Payroll Tax Deal 'Caused Damage' to GOP
Michael Douglas on the Impact of His Controversial Films
Dreams From The Woods
Fear of Qaddafi Blocked Political Solution in Libya
Rethinking 'Genocide': Implications for Sudan
Romney's Taxes: A Swiss Bank Account Is Not 'Ordinary'
LA Mayor Criticizes Mitt Romney's 15 Percent Tax Rate
Dem Pollster Greenberg: GOP a 'Cult' and 'In Trouble'
The Freedom Tower Rises: Rebuilding 1 World Trade Center
Richard Wolff on Greek Crisis: Harbinger of US Future?
The Health Care Mandate: America's Political 'Third Rail'
Rep. Paul Ryan Rips Obama Budget
Greenberg Predicts a Major Third Party Candidate in 2012
Lessig: 'Money Buys Results in Congress'
Levin: Sequesters Could Threaten 'Sound' Defense Budget
Michael Douglas' Support of Global Nuclear Disarmament
The ‘Dark Bright Spot’ in the Iran Nuclear Debate
Rep. Ryan: Romney Offers a 'Positive Agenda' for 2012
Levin: Taxes an Issue In 2012 - Thanks to Romney Returns
Preventing Genocide by Understanding Diversity
LA Mayor Villaraigosa: 'Bad News' Coming in Obama Budget
Secretary Ban Ki-moon: 2012 Is the ‘Year of Prevention’
Tokyo Underworld: A Look Inside Yakuza Culture
Turkey to Oppose Iranian Nukes, Even if US Stands Down
Issa: How Can We Prevent Another 'Fast and Furious'?
Regional R2P Efforts Cannot Succeed Absent Domestic Laws
Biden to Turkey: US to Keep 'Presence' In Iraq Past 2011
Can Israel Be Talked Out of Attacking Iran?
Coleman: Neither Dems, GOP to 'Disarm' on Fundraising
Lieberman: 'No Evidence' for Congress Insider Trading
Richard Wolff: 'Capitalism Is Not Working'