Archived > 2012 December > 04 Noon > 24

Videos archived from 04 December 2012 Noon

Kaiser Permanente Co-Founder’s Dream of Total Health Care
Robot Soccer and the Future of Autonomous Behavior
Has Education Gotten Worse Since Desegregation?
Billy Tauzin: Healthcare Reform for the American People
The ‘Forbidden Fruit’ Appeal of Drugs
The Future of Battlefield Communication
Christopher Hitchens: Trotsky Was Right About the Nazis
Former NASA Admin Recalls Mars Pathfinder Mission
Michelle Rhee Lauds Teach For America
Scientists Debunk 'Genetic Matchmaking'
Police municipale : "On a le sentiment que l'administration n'a pas envie de trouver de solutions"
What Are the Blue Dogs Really Afraid Of?
What Is the True Cost of Marijuana Legalization?
Martin Sheen's 'Senior Moment'
Using Designer Babies to Save Siblings
Des caisses blindées pour protéger les boulangeries
Martin Sheen's Presidential 'Identification Crisis'
Crímenes de rebeldes sirios
Elie Wiesel on Iraq and the Morality of Warfare
Michael Novak Defends Rich-Poor Gap
Elie Wiesel Finds Hope in a Two-State Solution
Dems Failing to Sell Pros of Health Care Reform
What Role Should the Government Play in Health Care?
Elie Wiesel: Did the World Learn from Auschwitz?
Should Government Be a Strict Father or Nurturing Parent?
Can Information Technology Solve Health Care Crisis?
Burgess Slams Proposal to Mandate Health Insurance
Reefer Madness: The High Cost of Fighting Drugs
California Budget Crisis Caused by 'Minority Rule'
Kurtlar Vadisi Pusu 173. Bölüm Fragmanı SesliNese.Com
Irshad Manji: Rape and Justice in the Muslim World
The Economic Benefits of Investing in Children
Martin Sheen's 'Journey of the Heart' Towards Charity
Terence Blanchard: Composing for 'When the Levees Broke'
Secretary Clinton on Iran: 'The Time for Action Is Now'
Brainwashing: The Key to Weight Loss?
The Power of Suggestion: How to Implant False Memories
Anushka And Arjun Gets Closer
Oren Says 'Mutual Legitimacy' Key to Middle East Conflict
Austin Heap: Tiered Net A 'Corporate-Driven Hellhole'
Ferguson: GDP & Nationalism Key to China’s Legitimacy
Aboriginal History Before the Arrival of Captain Cook
How Christmas Trees Are Restoring Louisiana's Wetlands
Michael Sandel: Should We Sell American Citizenship?
Slouching in Congress: Origins of American Stereotypes
Michael Oren on Zionism and American Jewry
Lewis Black: In God and Healthcare We Trust (Or Not)
Ted Olson Predicts Easy Confirmation of Sotomayor
Redefining Economic Terms for Climate Change
27 Nefes Ft. Narkoz Ex & Mc ToLgahan - Sen Ve Ben 2012 [BunaLım Beat]
Fallows v. Ferguson: China Seeks New Reserve Currency
Lewis Black Rails on Coverage of Michael Jackson’s Death
Chuck Close Explains How He Paints with a Grid
Typhoon rips through Philippines
26 farklı enstrüman çalıyor
Christopher Hitchens Recalls Mass Graves In Iraq
Strong Family Upbringing Key to Academic Success?
Christopher Hitchens' Favorite Whiskey
Le Noël de Balotelli aux fans de Manchester City
James Heckman: The 'Rate of Return' on Social Skills
''Sıfır noktası''nda zorlu yaşam
JAKEM kapılarını AA'ya açtı
The 'Free Rider' Problem with Energy Subsidies
The Ethical Dilemma of Outsourcing Pregnancy to India
The New Yorker's Jane Mayer: Obama for Indefinite Gitmo?
Christopher Hitchens: Iran's Generation of Rebellion
The Difficulty of Race Issues in Supreme Court Cases
Is it Libel for Journalists to Call Someone Gay?
Gay History Remains Invisible in Mainstream America
Do Illegal Immigrants Help or Hinder US Economic Growth?
Reportages : Henri Guaino préfère parler "assis sur un plateau"
Entrenador de natacion dormido
The New Yorker's Jane Mayer on SERE Program and Torture
Will Russia Ever Build a 'Western-Style' Democracy?
Can Recycling Prevent Malaria?
Bad Mother: Pot 'Consequence Free Activity' in Our House
Hitchens: Iran's Clock Ticking Towards Nuclear Weaponry
Authorizing Torture: The Gestapo and Abu Ghraib
yusuf un türküsü 04122012
Wangari Maathai: Why Money Alone Won't Help Africa
Rejali on Torture: ‘You Don't Add Humiliation to Death’
Bad Mother Author on Privacy and Raising Children
Rep. Ryan Explains Patients' Choice Health Care Act
Levin Argues Torture Leads to Unreliable Intelligence
A Look at the EU's Use of Enlargement to Project Power
Verbal Judo: For Best Results, Discipline Calmly
Romer Says Obama Policy Prevented Second Great Depression
Hot Markets: Aging Baby Boomers and Diabetes Sufferers
Charles Burnett Rationalizes Nat Turner's Slave Rebellion
Romer Weighs In on Obama's Plan for Health Care Reform
Carl Levin Traces US Torture Tactics to Communist Regime
David Marr Weighs In on Bill Henson's Nude Adolescent Art
Alain de Botton Finds Humanity & Humor in HR Department
Sıradışı - İsrailoğullarının genetiği - 1
Charles Kesler Argues Women's Lib Is Bad for Women
Víctima y verdugo intercambian sus papeles en "El cuerpo"
L'association "Carcassonne toros" a été chargée de l'organisation des corridas estivales à Carcasson
Hooman Majd: 'The Nuclear Issue Is Finished' in Iran
The Influence of Obama on the Iranian Election