Videos archived from 05 December 2012 Noon
The Cones of UncertaintyBroadcast Journalism and To Catch A Predator
CERN's Quest to Create a Microscopic Black Hole
David Eagleman: How to Slow Down Your Perception of Time
Home Robotics: How the Smart Thermostat Will Save Energy
Chad Hurley: Is YouTube Changing Politics?
Quantum Levitation: When Science Imitates Magic
Second Life: It's Not About 3D, It's About Community
Moore's Law and the Disruptive Innovation Evolution
Venter: Is Playing With Genomics Toying With Nature?
Carl Zimmer: Putting the Virus to Work
Do Doctors Die the Same Way as Their Patients?
Measuring Poop: Weirdest Thing Tim Ferriss Ever Tracked
A Demo of SILVIA Artificial Intelligence
Approaching the Singularity: Intelligence Amplification
Steven Pinker: Literacy Breeds Empathy, Reduces Violence
Why We Can't Make Sound Predictions About AI
Jimbo Wales on Expanding into Wikia
Microsoft's Rashid: Possibilities of Emerging Devices
The Cloud Revolution in Computer Hardware and Software
Personal Genomics Will Not Lead to Gattaca
Greg Petsko: 15 Million in US with Alzheimer's by 2050
Jaan Tallinn: Existing in Multiple Places at Once
Machine Learning: Crossing the Barrier of Meaning
Vetting News Stories Online
Daniel Kahneman: Issues with Predicting the Singularity
The Secret to Building More Muscle? Chocolate Milk
The Potential of Usable Copies of Health Records
What's So Great About Online Social Networking?
Pill Box of Sensors Reveals Cognitive Decline in Seniors
Andy Grove: Health Industry Shrugs at Price Transparency
Gigi Hirsch of MIT: The Dramatic Success of Treating HIV
Big Barriers to Using Robots at Hospital Bedsides
Brazil's Digital Market & Social Change
Sometimes, the Most Obvious Is the Least Obvious
Tráiler del modo Predador de Resident Evil 6 en
Burt Rutan: Space Tourism and the Next Giant Leap
Wolfram's Future of Monitoring Health: 'Stock Charts'
Better Healthcare Monitoring: The Toenail Growth Tracker
Sugata Mitra: What's the Purpose of Education?
Computers Teach Themselves to Recognize Cats, Faces
Learning from Religious Forecasting
A Robot Better at Shooting Than Abdul-Jabbar's Skyhook?
Basit Chaudhry: Watson's Role in the Doctor's Office
Charles Elachi Discusses Sky Crane, Space Robotics
Shaken Not Stirred: Science Behind James Bond's Martini
787 Dreamliner & Boeing's Other Cutting Edge Innovations
Green Buildings: Why We Must Create a True Market Value
Michael Graves: Designing for the Man Who Can't Sit Down
Research is Bringing Nuclear Fusion Energy Within Grasp
Thiel Fellow Laura Deming Sets Out to End Aging
Ashton Eaton: Why Track Stars Keep Getting Better
Nicholas Felton Experiences Downside of Data Hoarding
The New Frontier of the Commercial Space Race
GE's Approach to Healthcare: Transparency of Pricing
The Ekso Bionics Exoskeleton is Redefining Human Ability
Living in Public: Danah Boyd on Social Networks
High Class Robots? Hierarchy After the Singularity
All Rich Countries Have Universal Healthcare, Why Not US
Google's Healthy Employee Strategy: Hiding the M&Ms
Smolan: How Big Data's Magic Carpet Keeps Mom Safe
Wendy Ju: Genius Robots that Will Predict Our Actions
Christakis: Want to Stop Smoking? Change Your Cluster
Self-Driving Cars Compete with Humans on the Race Track
The Bay Bridge LED Project: Art Mimics Travel Patterns
David Agus: Stop Treating Cancer Incorrectly
Genetic Tools Will Save Us from the Next Killer Epidemic
Can We Really Create a Superhuman Intelligence?
Simple Machines, Complex Motions: The Art of Pe Lang
Endeavour's Lessons for STEM Education
Slave to Your DNA? Rationality Will Set You Free
Tim Schafer on Kickstarter and the Future of Crowdfunding
Why DARPA Wants to Manufacture
Confidence to Be Creative Comes from DIY
Raspberry Pi: Making Computer Programming Accessible
Being Fake Steve Jobs
How Microsoft Employees Are Staying Healthy
How Oklahoma City Inspires Residents to Curb Obesity
Seeing the First Evidence of the Higgs Boson Particle
Getting Gased: A Better Way to Teach New Recruits
New DIY Light Effects with Smart Materials
'Alice' Teaches Kids to Program Java with Storytelling
Open Source Sharing Brings Equipment to Iraqi Hospitals
The Maker Education Initiative
Craig Venter: At the Final Frontier of Synthetic Biology
What's Different About the New Science Standards?
Chris Anderson: Making Drones at a Fraction of the Price
Eric Topol: Nanosensors in Blood Warn of Heart Attack
The Greatest Unknown Force of the Universe: Dark Energy
Genomics Should Be Understood and Guided by the Arts
How Many Volunteers Can Create One Piece of Big Art?
The Effect of Changing Medical Advice on Breastfeeding
Retail 'Magic Prices' Stymie Product Manufacturing
Criminal Intent and Predicting the Mental State of Others
David Seidel: A Spare Wheel from the Mars Rover
'Steampunk' Enthusiast Defines the Movement
Digital Music: Pros and Cons of DRM
Do Americans Lack Respect for Science?
3D Printing Makes New Drug Discovery Possible