Videos archived from 05 December 2012 Noon
Cracking the Code: Disease Research and the Human GenomeTaleb: Look at Mother Nature for Financial Solutions
Sam Keen: Where Religion Went Wrong, and How to Fix It
The Secret to Investing? Outwit Your Brain
How Early Bonding Years Affect Brain Development
The Hubble Heritage: A Legacy of Images from Deep Space
Studying the Deep Rhythms of Climate Change
Richard Dawkins Explains Darwinian Selection of Universes
Dr. Bortz: Maintenance May Add 30 Years to Your Lifespan
Jane Goodall: There Is Still Hope for the Environment
Why Don't Boys Play with Dolls?
The Big Picture of Climate Change: Think Prehistoric
Asperger Syndrome: Dealing with the Diagnosis
Lactose Intolerance and the Evolution of Human Digestion
McDonald's Biggest Appeal? Meal Safety
Dr. Jill Tarter: What Happens After SETI Discovers ET?
Be Here Now: A New Perspective for Motherhood
Dacher Keltner: The Evolution of Emotions
Forget Snakes! Beware of the Tropical Bullet Ant
Andromeda Ahoy! Edwin Hubble and the Expanding Universe
Daniel Dennett on Pastors Teaching Intelligent Design
Matthew B. Crawford: Making the Case for Skilled Trade
Genetic Engineering Has Been Used For Thousands of Years
18 Wheels of Steel Extreme Trucker – PC [Download .torrent]
Is Poor Sleep a Factor in Alzheimer's and Dementia?
Proof You Went Psychotic Last Night
Can 'Mindful' Meditation Help with Pregnancy?
Emotions and Evolution: What Would Genes Do?
'Cancer Bitch' Hosts a Pre-Mastectomy Party
How Can I Get Into an Astronaut Training Program?
Sarocharu Kaatuka Kallu Song Promo - Ravi Teja, Kajal Aggarwal (Sir Vacharu)
The Wetsuit Wearing Penguin: Pierre Finds His Mojo
Are Women More Receptive to Music than Men?
Superhero: Surviving a Knitting Needle Through the Heart
Is Creative Talent Lying Dormant in All of Us?
Budweiser vs. Microbrews: A Scientific Analysis
The California Academy of Sciences and Its Living Roof
The Marketing of GM Crops
Cal Academy 2.0: Using Social Media to Spur Night Life
What's Wrong with the Big Bang Theory?
David Kessler: Effective Dieting and Portion Control
Dr. Len Saputo Speaks Out Against the 'Purple Pill'
Antonio Damasio: How Emotions Help Us Make Decisions
Quantum Computers and Parallel Universes
Transforming LA Into the Event Capitol of the World
We're Not All Paying Attention to the Same World
Wired for Bad Behavior? Don't Blame It on Your Genes
Can Genetic Engineering Be Environmentally Friendly?
Is Teenage Pregnancy Genetic?
Paul Ehrlich Criticizes the Dangerous US Electrical Grid
Why Doesn’t the FDA Take Action on Toxic Mercury Levels?
Dr. Walter Bortz Slams 'Corrupt' US Healthcare System
Les chants de la Mer - Ahamada Smis
Niall Ferguson Applies Evolutionary Theory to Finance
The Mozart Effect: Can Classical Music Make You Smarter?
Esther Dyson on Why She Paid $3M to Train for Space
Ben Sherwood: The 10-80-10 Rule of Disaster Reactions
Chris Mooney: How to Make Science Sexier
Can Eastern Philosophy Improve Western Medicine?
The Secret Life of Ants
Extremely Affordable Healthcare: $25 Incubator
Journeying Through Space and Time in a Wormhole
The Difference Between Feeling and Emotion
Was Darwin’s Death a Result of Chagas Disease?
Can Control Affect How Long You Live?
Chris Mooney: Bridging the Gap Between Science & Politics
Galactic Neighbor Spews Out Gas in Brilliant Explosions
Patrick Michaels Says Climate Change Projections 'Silly'
Dr. Mary Young Explains the Swine Flu Virus
Healthcare Reform: Emanuel Says High-Touch Not High-Tech
Nassim Taleb Criticizes Obama, Bernanke, and Summers
The Iraq War and Society's Obsession with Safety
SETI's Seth Shostak: Broadcast Google Into Deep Space
E.O Wilson: Save the Living Environment, Save the World
Helen Fisher: Why Do Fools Fall in Love?
Prostate Cancer: Better to Overtreat or Undertreat?
Real Foods: A Bottom-Up Approach to Healthcare Reform
Haque Argues Stale Innovation Caused 'Zombieconomy'
How Alicia Silverstone Is Slowly Greening Hollywood
David Ewing Duncan: Can Sushi Give You Mercury Poisoning?
Paul Ehrlich Argues Pro-Life Policies 'Kill Women'
Charles Taylor Analyzes History of American Secularism
E.O. Wilson: Low Cost of Protecting Biodiversity Hotspots
How Expectations Bias Your Wine Selection
The 'Dirty Dozen': An Economical Guide to Eating Organic
The Kingdom of Dahomey's Female Military Regime
Down to a Science: The Right Way to Pour and Taste a Beer
Esther Dyson on Astronaut Training in Russia
Is Denial the Solution to Bereavement and Depression?
David Ewing Duncan: Our Messy Genetic History
Is Al Gore Misrepresenting Global Warming?
Mary Roach: The Science of an Orgasm
Charles Taylor: Secularism and the French Headscarf Ban
SETI’s Seth Shostak Doubts Aliens Have Visited Earth
David Ewing Duncan Tries Neuromarketing
Tim Leiweke Reflects on His Mother's Early Death
Evolution vs. Creationism: A Cultural Debate
How Darwin Stumbled Onto the Famous Beagle Voyage
Sexual Aggression & Risk Taking: Male Humans Like Monkeys