Archived > 2012 December > 05 Noon > 26

Videos archived from 05 December 2012 Noon

The Dreaded Tsetse Fly Bite and African Sleeping Sickness
The Lesser of Two Evils: Parasites Have Medical Potential
Jonah Lehrer: Overcoming a Fear of Uncertainty
Darwinian Evolution on Display in Chimpanzee Group Raids
David Ewing Duncan on Activating His Super Longevity Gene
Is Technology Dependence De-Evolving Human Emotion?
Jennifer Crum: The Vegetable Antioxidant Color Wheel
Deepak Chopra: Five Breathroughs for the Body
Alan Boss Predicts NASA's Kepler Finds Inhabited Planets
Dacher Keltner Refutes Common Assumptions of Power
Darwin Awards Nominee Lawn Chair Larry Soars 12,000 Feet
Father Coyne Links Age of Stars to Beginning of Life
Mary Roach: Are Orgasms the Solution to Infertility?
Michael Schaffer: Political Divisions of the Dog Economy
Neil deGrasse Tyson: World Will (Not) End in 2012
Nikola Tesla and the Quest for Wireless Electricity
Naomi Tickle Analyzes Obama's Face
Jonah Lehrer: A Look at Your Brain When Epiphany Strikes
The Triple Bind: Cultural Demands on Teenage Girls
Camels in Las Vegas: Darwin Studies Migration in Americas
Financial Gamble: How AIG Fell for a 'Sure Thing'
Naomi Tickle Links Facial Features to Mood Swings
Thomas Deichmann on GM Foods: Don’t Export Paranoia
Can Science Emulate Evolution to Solve Global Problems?
Darwin Discovers Giant Armadillos and Ground Sloths
Steven Johnson: Coffee Fueled the Age of Enlightenment
Alan Boss: NASA Budget a Drop in the Federal Bucket
Future Spacecraft and the Hunt for Habitable Planets
Dacher Keltner on the Science of Trust
Juggling Hand Grenades & Other Ways to Win a Darwin Award
Lynn Rothschild: The Possibility of Extraterrestrial Life
Imagining a World Without Pollinators
Jonah Lehrer: When Instincts Are Better Than Reason
Neil deGrasse Tyson: Bush Innocent in War on Science
Textile Production in Low-Income Countries | Made in Germany
The Multiverse: A Supernatural Science Akin to Religion?
Claire Kremen on the Role of Bees in the Ecosystem
كاظم الساهر: «أنا ملتاع»
Who is Liable for Drop in Honeybee Population?
Maroc: désespoir des habitants d'un bidonville de Salé
Was Darwin Wrong? Peacocks and Sexual Selection
Faking It: Dacher Keltner Reveals the Science of Emotion
Cow Dung to Poison: A History of Philosophers' Deaths
Save the Ant, Save the Planet
Pillai Nila Part 1
Pillai Nila Part 2
KOCAV 25. Yıl Şöleni
Pillai Nila Part 3
Sarocharu Made 4 Each Other Song Promo - Ravi Teja, Kajal Aggarwal (Sir Vacharu)
Annemarie Warnkross 30.11.2012
Egyptian protesters set up camp outside presidential palace
Jason Bourne - l'héritage - VF - Bande-annonce
Mali : retour de Bamako où les Touaregs dansent ensemble
Welles-Pérennes: Régis Bizet propose un distributeur automatique de pommes de terre
Nouvelle manifestation contre Morsi
Téléphone portable : vers une directive européenne contre les ondes ?
Ajay Devgan @ Announces The Winner Of ``Picture Dekho Bike jeeto`` Contest !
Replay : Le live du Vendée Globe du 5 décembre
El Señor de los Anillos: Las Dos Torres - Segundo Tráiler Español [DVD]
WCW_nWo Spring Stampede 1998_ Raven vs. Diamond Dallas Page Part 1
102 Dalmatians – PC [Download .torrent]
WCW_nWo Spring Stampede 1998_ Saturn vs. Goldberg Part 1
WCW_nWo Spring Stampede 1998_ Saturn vs. Goldberg Part 2
Intercontinental Championship_ (C) Chris Benoit Vs Val Venis Vs Hardcore Holly Vs Chris Jericho
Mundhanai Part 1
Discours de clôture Geneviève Fioraso, Assises nationales, plénière du 27/11/2012
Coupe d'Europe 2012 : 1/2 finale - Rethel - Angers
Streets of Rage
FACTORH OTOMASYON - cnc torna uygulaması
Tous Opale 04/12/12
L'invité de la rédaction : Gilbert Casadesus
Papounet écoute mon Platine ! #1 Black ops
Policías, mujeriegos y chefs animan en el cine el Puente de la Constitución
IKYG-Adventskalender 2012 - Törchen Nummer 5
High Strike
Lifting pour les lettres géantes de Hollywood
Überbackene Schweineschnitzel mit Kartoffeln
Wzruszony Beckham żegna się z Galaxy
L'Union africaine cherche de nouvelles sources de financement
Attaque à Paris d'un magasin de métaux précieux, un employé tué
Rei da Tailândia completa 85 anos
‘Revolução’ no futebol
Futsal coaching: Ideal time for a substitution
Bayern gegen BATE Borisow in der Pflicht
Franceses preparam afegãos para o futuro
Raw Papaya And Noodle Salad - A Recipe By Ruchi Bharani (Vegetarian)
Planet Bollywood News - Salman & Priyanka at Mumbai airport, Sarah is all praise for Deepika, & more
LEGO City Undercover : Présentation japonaise
Loty krajowe - nowość na
Inquiétude sur l'état de santé de Le Floch-Prigent
L'équipe G-Eyes 2013
Be-Bound - Lancement officiel
Musashi - Eiji Yoshikawa ebook (download) pdf epub mobi txt lit
Cvitanich, la conf en vidéo
Απεβίωσε η Γκρέτσεν Μόλανεν
jhawaja hassan pc multan-
Sarah Jane gets candid on zoOm
Weiße Quark-Mousse