Archived > 2014 August > 13 Morning > 27

Videos archived from 13 August 2014 Morning

The madness of Holi festival in India!
Different types of Mango featured at the Mango festival, Delhi
Karanlık Deniz - Fragman
Rope and tree climbing training
Petunias line a Delhi road during springtime
City beautiful in the spring: Delhi
Mangoes in all quirky shapes
Pied Bush Chat on a plum tree
Chestnut-bellied Rock Thrush female on a fir tree
Himalayan Woodpecker (Dendrocopos himalayansis) in clover
Water buffalo calf squeezing past to get out of its shed, Gujarat
Kashaf and Zaroon-Scene 2 (Zaroon tries to talk with Kashaf on first day of college)
Aşk Oyunu - Fragman
Morning mist over a hill in Gujarat
College buddies at lunch break, New Delhi
Gujarati lady herding buffaloes with a smile
Chemistry practical lab of Sri Venkateswara College.
Rose-ringed Parakeet drinking water from stream in Sariska
That sure is a lot of Black-headed Ibises
Fascinating behaviour: Groups of Cicadas spraying sap in the air!
Camels carrying load passes through mustard field, India
Indian Roller or a Blue Jay on a tree
Shree Venkateshwara college gate, New Delhi
Bay-backed Shrike (Lanius vittatus) - widespread resident in India
Shree Venkateshwara college Chemistry Lab
Sikandra Fort of Agra, Uttar Pradesh
Snowfall in an alpine meadow
Car rally through the Chambal ravines!
Inside the classroom of Shree Venkateshwara college
Para Para Connection @ NipponCon 2014 [Part 1]
Agra's Tomb of Akbar the Great, Uttar Pradesh
Science students in chemistry Lab: Shree Venkateshwara college
Chemistry Lab of Sri Venkateswara College
Darkest hour of the dawn
The fresh snowfall in the Himalayan region
Bronze-winged Jacana (Metopidius indicus)
Canary Flycatcher makes Delhi home in the winter months
Camels - animals of burden in India
Buffalo herder of Gujarat and his family!
Odd one out: Camel among buffaloes in Gujarat
28 Gün - Fragman
Buffaloes calmly leaving their stable for greener pastures, Gujarat
Blue-throated Barbet (Megalaima asiatica)
Siddis - African descendants in India
Highway stop in Gujarat at night!
A beach in India
The Horned Lark (Eremophila alpestris)
A Horned Lark (Eremophila alpestris) digging for insects
Music and dance are an integral part of Siddhi' tribe way of life
White-eyes on a wild pear tree
Siddhi Indian tribal musician, Gujarat
Blue-throated Barbet is found in Indian Subcontinent and Southeast Asia
In the eyes of the Siddhi tribes everything has rhythm, everything dances
Plovers on a beach in India
Yuck! Nose-picking on the streets!
Dancers and musicians of Siddhi village, Gujarat
Display of weaponry by Indian Army at the Republic Day parade in New Delhi
A horned lark hopping among grasses
A walk through the campus of Sri Venkateswara College of DU
Yellow mustard flowers blooming near a river bank
Astronotun Karısı - Fragman
Indian Army saluting the spirit of India on Republic Day
Jungle Safari through Kaveri basin
The then President of India APJ Abdul Kalam at Republic Day, New Delhi
Interior of Sri Venkateswara College, DU
Sri Venkateswara College from Inside
Smith y Supremo - la reconciliacion rica
Distinguished cavalry regiments of the Indian Army parades on Republic Day
College education in India: students at Sri Venkateswara College, New Delhi
Pansy flower
A walk inside the campus of Sri Venkateswara College, Delhi
Attending lecture at Sri Venkateswara College
Mustard and bajra fields growing along Chambal riverbank
Rock climbing camps for novices in the Himalayas, at Manali
Lonely pelican wading solo!
New Delhi rushes by in fast motion
A flock of sheep at a water hole
Slender flamingo standing in one leg!
Ferry boat - barge carrying cyclists across the Yamuna River in Delhi
Instructors giving rock climbing lessons to school students in Manali
Marble filigree and lattice-work in Mughal monuments, Agra
Rock climbing for students in the Himalayas, Manali
Black-winged Stilt in shallow water
Gujarat, western India
Altıncı Gün - Fragman
Delhiites visit the Mango Festival
The king of all fruits and feasts
Pelicans wading through waters in groups
Students taking rappelling lessons near Manali in Himachal Pradesh, North India
part 2 Abu Dhabi Sunni noori masjid Dr Ashraf asif jalali sb 27 ramadan 2014
Rock climber reaches the edge of a cliff, Manali
Perfect Demoiselle Crane habitat, Gujarat
Rappelling makes tough descend easy, off a steep Himalayan cliff
Basic rock climbing lesson for students of KVS in Manali
Sea waves touching the shoreline of the sea
Villagers cross Yamuna river in rickety old makeshift boat
Flamingos walk on water with their long thin legs
Paeonia emodi growing wild in the Himalaya!