Archived > 2014 December > 31 Evening > 33

Videos archived from 31 December 2014 Evening

John Bolton: Obama Should Declare Victory in Iraq
Rise of Chinese Navy to Challenge 500 Pound US Gorilla?
Stella Rimington: The Private Life of an MI5 Spy
US Congressional Elections May Stress US-Iran Relations
Are Cuba's Political Prisoners Used as Bargaining Chips?
Sheikh Saad Hariri Defends Lebanon's Religious Politics
Sir Ken Robinson: Do You Feel Lucky?
Thomas Friedman: Secretary Kissinger Had It Easy
Gen. Petraeus: No Iraq-Style Surge in Afghanistan
Hamid Mir Says Osama Bin Laden Still Alive
Ramesh Ponnuru Says History Misleading Republican Party
William Zabel: Americans Ready for Gay Marriage
Gavin Newsom Slams Politicization of Gay Marriage
Jeffrey Richelson: Don’t Lose Sleep Over Nuclear Attack
John Bolton Says Obama Administration 'Naive'
Aspiring Billionaire? Ted Turner Advocates Clean Energy
Three Things You Didn’t Know About the Iraq War
Does Affirmative Action Stigmatize Students?
General Keane Defends the Iraq War
Iran’s Nuclear Aim: War Instrument or Power Projection?
David Sanger Calls for US-China Clean Energy Partnership
Is President Obama a Walking Symbol of Democracy?
Henry Kissinger Says Give Obama 'Benefit of the Doubt'
Shashi Tharoor Offers India’s View of Global Warming
Children for Sale: Slave Trade Just Five Hours from NYC
Eliciting Truthful Statements from the '20th Hijacker'
The Horrors of Modern Slavery
Nancy Pelosi Calls for Investigation of Economic Crisis
Amr Moussa: The Middle East's Nuclear Double Standard
Daniyal Mueenuddin: A Tale of Two Pakistans
Will 'Carrots & Sticks' Foreign Policy Backfire in Iran?
Powering Down Iran’s Nuclear Ambitions
Rupert Murdoch Disparages Market Protectionism
Mark Krikorian Claims Support of Immigration Unpatriotic
Should the U.S. Support the International Criminal Court?
What Does the Future Hold for Russia-America Relations?
Are Women's Rights the Key to Global Development?
Struggling Papers Should Focus on Watchdog Journalism
Bill Clinton Examines Why Hamas Won Gaza
PM John Howard: Lessons from Reagan and Thatcher
Why Did the US Disengage from UN Human Rights Council?
A Fundraising Phenom: How Obama Raised the Millions
Dr. Lisa Bero: Drug Companies and Manipulative Marketing
PM Nouri al-Maliki Says Iraq Ready for US Withdrawal
Bloggers Hold Mainstream Media Accountable
General Keane Gives Reason for Optimism in Afghanistan
Thomas Friedman: This Isn't Your Grandma's Recession
Eve Ensler Offers Ways to Help Battered Women of Congo
Obama's "CHANGE" Campaign: The Making of a President
The Rise of Socially Responsible Businesses
Henry Louis Gates on Lincoln, Obama,and Race
Should Obama Continue Covert Operations in Iran?
The Afghani Perspective on American Intervention
Shepard Fairey Fights AP To Redefine Copyright Law
Tom Fuentes Criticizes Lack of In-Depth News Reporting
Ramesh Ponnuru Suggests Bailout Plan for Republican Party
The Hijab: Political Tool or Feminist Statement?
How Bogota's Mayor Used 'Traffic Mimes' to Fight Crime
Shirin Ebadi Rejects Separate Human Rights for Muslims
Where Have All the Leaders Gone?
Abdul Dardery: Islam is 'Liberating' for Women
Mime on Forced Marraiges in Pakistan
Genç Piyanist Yalgızam Yalgız SENEDE KALMAZ Yanık Azerbaycan Türkü Yalnız Türki Cumhuriyetleri Rus R
The US, Canada, & Russia Battle for the Northwest Passage
James Woolsey’s Advice to Obama: Think Like the Enemy
The Rosetta Project: A Digital Library of Human Languages
John Howard Says Governments Overspending on Stimulus
Sunlight Foundation: Making Corporate Data Digestible
Will Global Economic Crisis Spur Societal Revolution?
Xinran: Mothers Are Key to China's Growth
Moussa Criticizes Israel's Peace Process Procrastination
Should Bush Torture Memo Architects Be Prosecuted?
War Is Hell: Remembering a Fallen Soldier in Afghanistan
White House 2.0: Social Media and Transparency in Gov't
Felipe Calderon: Global Cooperation Key to Fixing Crisis
Mark Krikorian: Immigration Erodes American Sovereignty
Reflecting on George W Bush: Similar to Truman or Reagan?
Gershom Gorenberg Denounces One-State Solution in Israel
Turkey Foreign Minister on Turkey's Role in Middle East
Biggest Bang for Our Buck: Rebate Checks or Public Works?
President Obama Outlines Plans for New US Economy
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George Bisharat: Two-State Solution No Longer Possible
Putting Tyrants on Trial for Human Rights Abuse
When Will Afghanistan and Pakistan Trust the US?
Did Legacy of Colonization Damage Muslim Psychology?
Pakistani Authors Reflect on Censorship in Pakistan
David Sanger on the Future of Cyber Warfare
Flawed Assessments in DC Lead to Flawed Global Strategy
Amr Moussa Combats Arab Stereotypes of Violence & Hate
Madeleine Albright: The Ethics of Civilian Casualties
General John Keane Supports Obama's Iraq War Timetable
Richard Epstein: Gov't Bailouts Disruptive, Politicized
Andrei Codrescu Predicts the Demise of Facebook
Turkish Prime Minister Storms Out of Gaza Debate
Balancing Act: An Open and Fair Government
Ronald Reagan: How an 'Amiable Dunce' Changed America
Tony Abbott Exposes the Dangers of Euthanasia
Hillary Clinton: A Sustainable Path to the American Dream
Richard Epstein Gives His Take on 90% AIG Bonus Tax