Videos archived from 02 January 2015 Morning
Marc Jolivet : "être de gauche c'est fabriquer demain"Risk Averse Philanthropists Are Smart, Not Wise
Money-Driven Medicine (Trailer)
Top Tips for Building A Production-Ready Connect Add-on
Pete Fecteau: Making Art with Unsolved Rubik's Cubes
Events Are Your Friends: Coders Escape 'Callback Hell'
Gamify Productivity: 70% of Knowledge Workers Don't Care
Scaling-Up Software to Crunch Big Data for Enterprise
Software Authenticity: Understanding JSON Web Tokens
Africa - high growth but low penetration
Comparing the Middle East & Africa
Dynamic vs. Static Content Macro in Confluence Add-ons
The Middle East - high growth and deep penetration
Five GSummits: From Crazy Idea to Gamified Community
Inline Issue Creation: The Lifecycle of an Issue
Badgeville: Gamification Answers the 'Why' Questions
How to Game Google Search and Get Your Business Noticed
Using JSON Web Tokens for Authentication
Does Your Ad Pass the Kitten Photo Test?
Get 'Em Hooked! Selling Gamification Like a Drug Dealer
Unnatural Causes (Trailer)
Eve Ensler on V-Day
Manufacturing to Scale
Data Mapping the Country's Medical Malpractice
Game Flow: Hitting a Sweet Spot Between Boredom and Rage
Health Apps Like MyFitnessPal Bankrupt Weight Watchers
Why Data Visualizations Are Good For Discoveries
Amazon Studios Lets Fans Vote For Rule-Breaking TV
Bill Bradley on Money, Lobbyists, and Politics
Is There Still a Digital Divide?
Rewriting REST API Policy: Flexibility and Compatibility
UNICEF's Erica Kochi: Do Good, Make Money
Unnatural Causes (Trailer)
Zuckerberg's Law & Content Shock: Why We're Over-Sharing
Installing HipChat Add-Ons
Randi Zuckerberg Advocates to End Online Anonymity
Sam Brownback On Energy Independence
Chuck Porter: 'Transparency Is the New Black'
Crowdfunding and Civic Engagement
Deceptive Design: Guilt, Throffers, and Zuckerberging
Interesting Things In Arab World Start-ups
Jane McGonigal: Playing Tetris Prevents PTSD, Flashbacks
Rock Health: Wearable Technology Brings Big Data Home
Catherine Mohr: How Nanotechnology Kills Cancer Cells
IBM's Watson is Better at Diagnosing Cancer Than Doctors
Monopoly on Loyalty: Big Brands Suck Up Return Customers
Paul Saffo: Google Is a Fungus
Unnatural Causes (Trailer)
What Brands Do Global Commerce Right?
Catalytic Philanthropy Aids Unbanked in India and Africa
Codecademy's Zach Sims: Funding a Startup
Google Self-Driving Cars Will Be the New Moon Landing
Guy Kawasaki: Photo Sharing Will Take Over the Internet
Gabe Zichermann: Fun Makes Hookups and Workouts More Fun
New HipChat, Real-Time Tech a Powerful Crowd-Pleaser
Nir Eyal: Why Depressed People Check Their Email More
Everything Is Clickable: iBeacon Maps Your Every Move
Margaret Gould Stewart: Facebook's a Filter For Stories
Paul Saffo: 'Networks' Are a Threat to Civilization
Racism and the Death Penalty
Schools Use Gamification, iPads to Level Up Students
3D Printing Personalized Medical Devices
Baby's First Biostamp: Stretchable Electronics from MC10
Bill Richardson On Illegal Immigration
REST API Benefit: Language Agnostic, Stability Guarantee
Adapting a 100-year-old brand to a modern audience
The State of Affairs of Women in Politics
Pay Now, Live Longer: How to Make Health Last a Lifetime
XPRIZE: What's Cooler Than a Million Dollars? Spaceships
Warby Parker Going Global
Will the Privacy Backlash Lead to a 'Trust Revolution'?
Regulate the Cloud: Amazon Can't Protect Data From Gov't
Thinking Outside the Company
Tumblr and the Power of Reblogging
The New High Score: Foldit, Minecraft, and Kickstarter
Advancing The Battery
Susan Rice Criticizes International Inactivity in Darfur
Book Turns Into Zombie Video Game With QR Codes
Faire du breakdance avec des feux d'artifice
Sharks & Slam Dunks: Twitter Meets Internet of Things's Ben Rattray Launches Decision Makers
Citing Wikipedia: Challenges to Online Learning
The Evolution of Arduino
Glow: A Pregnancy App for the Data-Driven Parent
Rapid internet penetration can lead to soietal instability
Mobile Payment Systems In Emerging Markets
The Two Phases of Technology
The Ethics of Robots
Baxter & the Driverless Car: Robots Take Over Our Jobs
Bush, Abstinence, and Global AIDS Prevention
Randi Zuckerberg Shares Her Broadway Ambitions
Is the Remote Control the Next Must Have Device?
Paul Saffo: 'The NSA Has to Be a Mole for Al-Qaeda'
The Fox and the Hedgehog
What Was the Impact of the NSA Leak on the Web?
Unnatural Causes (Trailer)
David Agus: How Aspirin Helps & Vitamin D Hurts
Digital Security in the Age of Omnipresent Electronics
Jawbone: From Internet of Things to Internet of Me
John McCain on U.S. Foreign Policy and Defense