Videos archived from 12 May 2015 Evening
Colorado pot: fourth grade students busted for selling marijuana to classmatesWashington State school bus driver accused of bullying disabled teen
Woman keeps shopping as police try to subdue gangsters
Fall from helicopter leaves Thai riot police officer with critical injuries
Fourth Malaysia Airlines flight forced to abort since the disappearance of MH730
Stowaway teen survives California to Hawaii flight in plane's landing gear
Caught on tape: Man hit by train after taking stupid risk with own life
Teen shot dead by police in Albuquerque after suspected car theft
Courtroom shooting: gangbanger defendant gunned down by US marshal during trial
Transgender teen invites girl into 'virtual kingdom'; charged for abduction
Diyar-e-Dil episode 10 promo on hum tv
Bus pervert with pantyhose fetish harasses woman on bus, claims 'mental illness'
Hero Darnell Taylor saves the day after crazy mom drives her teen kids into the river
Man impaled on lamppost after falling 50 ft from building, survives
New blood-cancer treatment: new drug which may alleviate chemotherapy side effects
Bus grope: Japanese official busted after sticking fingers through bus seat crack to grope woman
Gun battle: Ambush at Ukrainian checkpoint leaves several dead
Hunger strike leads to prisoner death at Kentucky State Penitentiary
Miracle? Atlanta boy released by kidnapper after singing Hezekiah Walker gospel song
Amazon river shipwreck: search for missing undergoing
Anzai Rara and four more popular Japanese adult stars you may not have heard of yet
18ème édition du salon du voyage de l’aéroport de Nancy-Metz
Fugitive in fatal Portland, Oregon police shootout looked to kidnap teens with 'moveable dungeon'
Police Brutality? Green Bay cop takes down drunk. Justified force by officer Derek Wicklund?
Skydiving gone wrong: Eight killed in Finland's worst plane crash in decades
Google Glass killer? Bill Gates-backed technology could be used against Google Glass
When animals attack! Woman survives vicious duck attack, sues for thousands
Cellphone addiction: Angry teen poisons grandma with collard greens in revenge attack
Hunters kill motorcyclist while moving big game in tragic accident
Pakistan bus crash: dozens dead after coach-truck collision
Patient raped in hospital bed by ex-boyfriend while new boyfriend slept on cot nearby!
Boat accident: vessels collide, ship grounded in Chesapeake amid bad weather
Japan oil tanker hijacked: pirates steal oil, kidnap 3 crew in the Strait of Malacca
Student beats up teacher? Miami-Dade college music teacher brutally beaten 'over bad grade'
#myNYPD Twitter hashtag campaign fails gloriously with police brutality pics
Bluefin-21 completes its first full mission in search of MH370
China seizes Japanese cargo ship over pre-WWII debt
Star Wars Episode VII (2015) Official Fake Teaser Trailer: The Rise of the Elders (NMA Version)
Bryan Singer child sex accuser sues 3 more Hollywood gay elites
Creepy pics: Pervert doctor took nude pictures of patient, voyeurism charges pending
DH Tours 2015 _ Ambiance - Stand Logitech - Cosplay
Japanese AV idol retires from porn industry
Elderly Japanese adult video stars still performing: GO JILFS!
Jordan air force destroys Syrian rebels' vehicles near border
Syria poison gas attack: US says Assad forces dropped deadly chlorine gas from helicopters
Belle Knox of Britain? Law student Vanessa Knowles strips online for degree
College drug bust: Philly police bust former Haverford students Neil Scott and Timothy Brooks
Justin Bieber visits Yasukuni Shrine, angers all of China
South Korean ferry: Vice Principal commits suicide after his own rescue
Boxer Rubin 'Hurricane' Carter dies at 76
CCTV footage: Customer tackles old man in drug store robbery caught on camera
Climate change? Study says Asian pollution causing extreme US weather
Kansas City highway shooting spree: suspected sniper arrested
Mysterious death: drought reveals dead body, helps police solve case
Yemeni Special Forces kill Ibrahim al-Asiri, Al Qaeda's chief bombmaker and 'underwear bomb' plotter
"Mountains May Depart" (Shan he gu ren) de Jia Zhang-Ke
Amazon 3D phone: Jeff Bezos company hopes handset will be iPhone slayer
Oral measles drug: combat the infectious disease amid the anti-vaccination movement
Fire truck crashes into Chinese restaurant in Monterey Park outside of Los Angles
Kepler-186f, the first Earth-like star discovered in the habitable zone of another star
Calgary stabbings: Policeman's son kills five university of Calgary students at party
Mayor de Blasio vs Liam Neeson: The war over New York horse carriages
Mt Everest avalanche: 12 dead, 3 missing
Selfless love: Husband will do anything to save his wife from breast cancer
Garda armored truck robbery in Philadelphia: robbers escape in Cadillac Escalade
Lovesick or just sick? Stalker steals professor's maxi pads
Bahrain unrest: two killed in car bomb explosion
CCTV Footage: Pantless woman steals boxed wine from Publix in Ocala, Florida
Sex with twins: Man tells two female twins they're cursed, tricks them into sex
Rapper cuts off his penis! Wu-Tang Clan crew MC Andre Johnson snips off schlong
@Peoriamayor: Peoria Mayor Jim Ardis calls police on creators of prank Twitter account
Home invasion: Alabama gun owner lures burglars into trap, shoots as they break in
Eyeball licking: Montana man licked cop's eyeball while resisting arrest
Radioactive water mistakenly pumped back into basement at Fukushima Daiichi plant
Taser death: Phoenix cops take down violent man in confrontation caught on video
Woman accused by doctor husband of adultery, but was then found kidnapped and raped
Korea ferry disaster: Could there be survivors in air pockets?
Mexico drug boss arrest: Beltran Leyva cartel lord arrested
Self defense or murder? Minnesota man Byron Smith executed teen burglars, court hears
Fourteen year old Dutch teen prank tweet bomb threats to American Airlines, gets arrested
Taser death: man dies after four police shoot him with tasers in Phoenix, Arizona
US Airways' NSFW tweet of woman abusing toy airplane goes viral
'Real life Barbie': Valeria Lukyanova's sexy selfies without makeup
Boston marathon: backpacks left at finish line, marring anniversary memorial
Ambassador kidnapped: Jordan diplomat to Libya taken by masked men
Disgusting! Mother BITES OFF umbilical cord after going on crack binge, giving birth in bathtub
Portland pee water: drunk urinates in reservoir so city will flush 38 million gallons of water
China kindergarten worker peed in colleague's tea, kept his job
Man run over by train: NYC subway train caught on camera running over screaming man (VIDEO)
No new survivors found in South Korea ferry disaster
Shot by cop! Man blasted six times by off-duty Memphis deputy who faces no charges
Teacher orders gang attack on 7th grade student, gets fired
South Korea ferry accident: More than 300 missing after passenger ship capsizes
South Korea ferry disaster: Heroes of the Sewol
South Korean ferry disaster; at least 3 killed, hundreds missing
Goat Simulator is a pretty baa-ad ass game
Colombia drug trafficking: largest quantity of liquid cocaine seized in Cartagena
Hammer attack: Portland mother uses hammer to kill hitman sent to murder her