Archived > 2015 May > 14 Noon > 14

Videos archived from 14 May 2015 Noon

Old lady driving pickup truck crashes into Krispy Kreme
Seven reasons why Chinese are the most undesirable tourists
Taiwanese Medical student left school to sell counterfeit bags
Taiwanese anchorwoman not prosecuted for adultery due to lack of evidence
Washington Car Chase: Police shoot woman dead after Capitol Hill pursuit
Five hikers killed in Colorado rockslide, young girl rescued
Gorillas escape, raid kitchen at Calgary Zoo
Silk Road drug market shut down by FBI, Bitcoins useless again
Budding Japanese actress Saaya Suzuki stabbed to death
Father daughter incest: Man, 28, arrested for sleeping with stepdaughter, 21
NATO, US unhappy with Turkish choice of Chinese missiles
Singapore crane collapse kills two workers
Horsefly bite symptoms
VIDEO: Houston Grand Prix crash leaves IndyCar champ with spinal fractures
Miley Cyrus Sinead O'Connor Twitter Facebook battle [TERRIBLE ACCENTS]
Today's Angels, Wednesday, October 2nd, 2013
Boeing 787 Dreamliner forced landing in Reykjavik, Iceland
El Segundo police saves woman from burning car
Frat email on hitting on women is kinda rapey
India to launch Mars Orbiter Mission on October 28
Giant yellow duck fad: young couple fight over the yellow duck
John McAfee stops NSA spying with D-Central privacy device
Turkish mayor accuses NMA of controlling protesters: Melih Gökçek is right?
Hot girl took selfies with stolen smartphone photos found on cloud server
Money collectors ripped out fingernails of a debtor to collect money
Breaking Bad house NOT for sale
Hey Lady! Sports girl
Underwater headphones allow swimmers to hear 'crystal clear audio'
Fukushima radiation leak: TEPCO admits contaminated water leaked from tank
US Government shutdown: Washington's ineptitude forces budget crisis
Lou Reed - Pale Blue Eyes
South African exchange student saves Taiwan suicide jumper
HK woman caught allegedly smuggling iPhone 5s
Shocking footage: Motorcycle mob beat Range Rover driver
Stupid criminal: Idiot drug dealer accidentally texts cop, gets busted
Today's Angels, Thursday, October 3rd, 2013
Man vs tractor: Leg 'bursts' after tractor pins farmer to ground
Ronald Reagan loses arm in Poland, pope looks on
Today's Angels, Saturday, October 5th, 2013
Hong Kong girl slaps kneeling boyfriend in public
Jellyfish invasion shuts down nuclear power plant in Sweden
Lane Kiffin fired: USC coach finally gets the sack
Nasa to launch 3D printer into space in 2014
Smart spray helps UK police catch car thief
Bartın HDP binasına saldırı
MTR captain caught clipping nails, playing with iPad while driving
Nepal'deki İkinci Şiddetli Depremin Ardından
Nouveau - Meubles en kit high tech
David Icke- Brilliant Speech
Queen - Bohemian Rapsody (Piano Solo)
Photosynthesis | The Dr. Binocs Show | Learn Series For Kids
Buckethead - Soothsayer
Professional land surveyors in Everett
Halloween (2007) Workprint
Oscar Ramirez
El joven policía - Episodio 14
Varun & Shraddha caught while recording a song for ABCD 2!
Men's 4x100m Relay Final London 2012 - Usain Bolt, Yohan Blake, World Record (HD)
Kara Para Aşk 47.Bölüm Fragmanı
爸爸尿尿的地方有黑痣 獸父遭判2400年 2012.11.12
前夫求復合不成 女教師遭刺3刀 2012.11.28
我ㄉ那麼短 通姦露餡 2012.11.09
ABD'deki tren kazasının sebebi hız ihlali
阿爸死黨 搞大15歲女肚挨告 2012.11.09
Drei britische Schülerinnen wohl auf der Flucht vor Dschihadisten
色業務推銷伸鹹豬手 揉胸襲腿摸私處 2012.11.10
少年騎車逆向下匝道 遭輾斃 2012.11.12
扛屍性侵 反誣女恐嚇 2012.11.13
抓蜂變燒厝 屋主告國賠 2012.11.11
Meday Main Zakham -Roohani Illaj -HTV
送禮追女不成嗆死破麻 被打成豬頭 2012.11.14
「歹勢打錯了」 男不爽被吵醒回撥幹譙遭法辦 2012.10.31
嘿咻太激烈 竟暫時性失憶 2012.11.13
2女內褲驗出4男精液 群狼判刑 2012.11.13
懷疑丈夫偷腥 醋妻每月要13次 2012.11.01
小三恫嚇小四 搞垮CIA局長 2012.11.12
荒唐小六生教室開酒趴 9男女喝茫 2012.11.10
愛染燙 妙齡女掉髮險變禿 2012.11.08
CIA局長再爆姦情 小四曝光 2012.11.13
沒畫紅黃線 「車庫前請勿停車」觸法 2012.11.12
氣爆母亡10歲女哭喊招魂 2012.11.13
法律生當軍師 教黑幫躲刑責 2012.11.14
麻藥未退催人走 三總害國手摔斷牙 2012.11.12
hTC與蘋果大和解 宏達電股價料止跌 2012.11.12
「婚後僅睡3次」 名醫休嫩妻 2012.11.07
借3萬月息9千 錢莊逼人妻「肉身抵債」 2012.11.03
淫法師性侵8女 判15年 2012.11.10
被控性騷擾 胡德夫不起訴 2012.11.08
3煞戴猩猩頭套 攔車轟5槍 2012.11.14
7泡麵鰹魚粉含致癌苯芘 衛生署沒標準大潤發自行下架 2012.11.10
誤認沾精長疱疹 少女揭性侵 2012.11.05
魔警撞死弟弟 詐保3千萬 2012.11.03
颶風襲美 起重機斷裂懸掛90樓半空 2012.10.31
地產王 建商品牌大車拼 2012.11.10
爛醉竟能對準性侵 色狼判囚 2012.11.08
祈福黨來台行騙 陸客詐婦人百萬 2012.11.03
私生子忍嘲諷 李宗瑞翻身變淫魔 2012.11.07
遊泰國被逼血拼 軟禁3小時 2012.11.07
惡父虐癱幼女 判7年定讞 2012.11.01
勞工血汗遭坑殺 勞委會要告安泰追討1.8億 2012.11.02