Archived > 2015 August > 04 Evening > 111

Videos archived from 04 August 2015 Evening

Shpetim Levendi - Shege e kuqe plot me lule (Official Song)
Reshit Gjoni - Potpuri korcare (Official Song)
Merita Lika - Cuce Matjane (Official Song)
Shpetim Levendi - Ne mes te Permetit (Official Song)
Spinxak - Per cikat me sexi (Official Song)
DJ Aldo feat. Dhanny - Love for the summer (Official Video HD)
Spinxak - Jam tash (Official Song)
Bamir Percja - Hajde hajde seferak (Official Song)
Evgjeni Culli - Ura e takimit (Official Song)
Así interpretó Kelly Clarkson un cover de "Wrecking Ball"
Zhurma Show Awards 2013 - Cmimi I Internetit (Silva Gunbardhi ft. Dafi)
Maki Maliqi Moll e ndaluar Live 2013
Perlat Sheqeri - O bilbil lum bilbil (Official Song)
Shpetim Levendi - Dola ne bace (Official Song)
Dritan Jashari - Cika e bukur (Official Song)
Reshit Gjoni - Pasha syte e mi (Official Song)
Shpetim Levendi - Se dija se vije ne dasem (Official Song)
Zhurma Show Awards 2013 - Best Interpret (Alberie Hadergjonaj)
Antonio Miguel Carmona : "Yo no tengo precio"
Perlat Sheqeri - Hajde lule (Official Song)
Perlat Sheqeri - Merre zemren (Official Song)
Bamir Percja - Hej ti djal durrsak (Official Song)
Evgjeni Culli - Ne permet o ne permet (Official Song)
Report Card-04 Aug 2015
Zhurma Show Awards 2013 - Best Hip Hop (Noizy ft. Duda)
Briz Musaraj - Grinnin' in your face (Official Video HD)
Leonora Ajdari Coming Soon New Video by Power Production
Bamir Percja - Dalin burrat prej xhamie (Official Song)
Pantogel short version/Actavis
Perlat Sheqeri - Cun Mula (Official Song)
Yll Bislimi - Vajze shqiptare (Official Video HD)
Festim Avdia - Parno fustani (Official Song)
Zhurma Show Awards 2013 - Best Song (Silva Gunbardhi)
Drita Ukaj - Fukaraja (Official Song)
Gostivari - Renova 1 - 1
Enxhi Vlashi - Kolazh
Merita Lika - Ste provokoj (Official Song)
Merita Lika - Vec per ty jetoj (Official Song)
Adhurim Demi - LDK
Drita Ukaj - Djali nga peja (Official Song)
Drita Ukaj - Synin e zi (Official Song)
Festim Avdia - Silvana (Official Song)
Kastriot Adushi - Tre shenjtore (Official Song)
My Slideshow
Spinxak - Intro (Official Song)
A.R.T Dekor
Evgjeni Culli - Ngrihu moj mamudi (Official Song)
Zhurma Show Awards 2013 - Best Video (Adrian Gaxha ft. Florian)
Dritan Jashari - Taksiratet i heq kepuca (Official Song)
Merita Lika - Fjala nene (Official Song)
Andrea Vesho se shpejti ne Musical-Fest
Kastriot Adushi - Per nenen ti qan (Official Song)
Drita Ukaj - Sheikja (Official Song)
Shpetim Levendi - Kaba me klarinete (Official Song)
Merita Lika - Perse me mua (Official Song)
Shpetim Levendi - Pogonishte permetare (Official Song)
Así fue la situación luego de que un grupo de personas esperara por horas alimentos en Maracaibo
Shpetim Levendi - Valle e dados (Official Song)
Reshit Gjoni - Durrsake durrsake (Official Song)
Zhurma Show Awards 2013 - Hapja
Dionis Delia - Kenge per Deden (Official Video HD)
Kastriot Adushi - O vellezer shqipetare (Official Song)
Megapharm - Vicombil Junior
Kastriot Adushi - Studentja ime (Official Song)
Spinxak - Ktu ti mos prek (Official Song)
Drita Ukaj - Falma Falma (Official Song)
Kastriot Adushi - Ku shkoi dashuria (Official Song)
Meso Shqip/Learn Albanian
Festim Avdia - Mo qavo tikno movella (Official Song)
Zhurma Show Awards 2013 - Best Styling (Leonora Jakupi)
Reshit Gjoni - Xhana (Official Song)
Carton rouge : Laetitia Llorens (Fort Boyard 2015, 25/07/2015)
Kastriot Adushi - Syri me loton (Official Song)
Bamir Percja - Dashuri me halle (Official Song)
Reshit Gjoni - Vika deti (Official Song)
Dritan Jashari - Ik prej meje (Official Song)
Kastriot Adushi - Dil moj gjeraqine (Official Song)
Bamir Percja - Do te rris si nje lule (Official Song)
Perlat Sheqeri - Moj lulie pellumb i bardhe (Official Song)
Reshit Gjoni - Popturi shkodrane (Official Song)
National Geographic Mega structures the world's longest bridge 1/3
Regional News Bulletin 05pm August 04, 2015
Bamir Percja - Nuk luhet me ndjenjat (Official Song)
When you and your best friend fail a test By Umair Khaliq
Making Of Diacol
THE MOMS Back To School Picks
Fireball Xl5 Music Video
Ergys Hyka - Dallendyshe vogel (Official Song)
Grupi Ali Pashe Tepelena - Tundu bejke (Official Song)
Fatos Xhaferri - Sonila (Official Song)
Besjan Gashi - Vjet me the te dua (Official Song)
Besjan Gashi - Si Flutur (Official Song)
Casate y Veras- En El Doctor
Jona Kapllanaj - Eja me rri prane (Official Song)
Night Rappers - A jeta a droga (Official Song)
Fatos Xhaferri - Ky qyteti Korces (Official Song)
LETA - Muzika ne maksimum (Official song)