Archived > 2015 August > 16 Morning > 11

Videos archived from 16 August 2015 Morning

Syarikat kerajaan akan ambil alih AES, cadang saman kurang 50%
浴室用餐风波校长道歉? 双方各执一词又陷罗生门
Electoral fraud tribunal comes to a close, many allegations heard
Zahid: Chin Peng's ashes in M'sia could lead to memorial
美新大使本周履新 短片秀国语向我国问好
阿拉字眼案: 两大宗教数百信徒聚集法庭聆讯
CCTV in school toilets: Ministry orders removal
Nurul Izzah: 'Kesinambungan penganiayaan politik'
马华特大风波现转折 蔡廖各自寻求法律意见
Anwar gesa Zahid Hamidi minta maaf kepada A Samad
IGP: No need for fresh probe into Altantuya murder
Pemantau: Widespread polls violations in GE13
Pemilihan UMNO: Najib, Muhyiddin serah borang pencalonan
Tian Chua: Chin Peng help shape Southeast Asia
民联篇幅多过国阵有乾坤 研究揭主流九成报道负面
陈平曼谷病逝 回国夙愿难圆
Govt committed to cracking down on spread of Shiism
Spotlight on Malaysia after acquitted Australian rearrested
'Kalimah Allah boleh timbulkan kekeliruan agama'
Diesel and RON95 going up by 20 sen
Family mum on ashes arrangement 家属不愿证实陈平骨灰是否分葬
Kick out corruption to mend the economy, Ku Li tells Najib
Ali Rustam sah bertanding, matikan spekulasi tarik diri
Coming to you this Merdeka...
Gov't jumped the gun over ashes, says lawyer
Pak Samad rela dilucut gelaran SN, kerakyatan
'Judges had more guts under Pak Lah'
Anwar: Mahathir not entirely to blame for Project IC
S'gor water restructuring to be done by Dec 31
货柜托运燃油附加费上涨 贸消部长称食物只升0.1%
驳斥无权对付总会长说辞 马华纪委称无人拥豁免权
驳斥校方指责对马华不公平 马青称若拆校将站在最前线
#MYMerdeka: Be part of KiniTV's Merdeka Special!
12 opposing demolition of houses in Mantin arrested
IGP stands by 'child questioning', hits out at Teresa Kok
Sang Saka Malaya controversy: Pak Samad says he wasn't hiding
备战砂州党选 火箭启动'砂之梦'行动
总警长:沙末赛益夜班'静悄悄'回家 我们被迫凌晨捉他
Chinese whispers
DAP: UMNO turning into 'paper tiger'
Ex-students fail to overturn anti-ISA rally verdict
Parliament Uncut: Zahid - Crime law amendments not return of ISA
内政部公布49私会党资料 展示标志也算有罪
疑运陈平骨灰归国 槟警大阵仗扣2男
GE13 media coverage study reveals bias, bribery
IGP: No need parents' consent to question children
IGP: Politicians in gangs? Never heard of it
Pengusaha resort sudah robohkan surau
《王》片宣传照现穿帮镜头 导演解释后制已修正画面
抗议拆除文叮百年客家村 12村民社运人士遭警逮捕
IGP dakwa Pak Samad menyusup ke rumah
MP: Lebih banyak kematian j'raya jika harga minyak naik
NGO desak Datuk Bandar KL hentikan projek Jalan Alor
郑修强恢复党籍违大会议决 15中委警告马华陷更大深渊
马来组织抗议美化亚罗街 指控吉市长与行动党勾结
Bekas siswa gagal rayu keputusan kes demo anti-ISA
Education Blueprint launched to overhaul nation's education system
Hishamuddin: Why Sang Saka Malaya should be Malaysia's national flag
Parliament Uncut: Zahid - Men detained in Penang were only investigated, not arrested
申请身份证时被更换国籍 大马公民12年后变泰国人
若细历蝉联就不参加党选 蔡智勇称廖中莱性情大变
马大校长称过去五年排名上升 "评分制导致今年排名下滑"
'6P scam': Stern action against agents. govt insiders involved
'Not many flags on cars due to design fault'
Anwar mahu dialog dengan kerajaan
Liow's faction wants Tee Siew Kiong ban reinstated
Minister: Controversy good for Tanda Putera
Judge withdraws from Anwar's sodomy appeal as int'l observers watch on
Bikers get pushy with fuel hike protest
Cinemas may lose their licence, warns Tanda Putera director
NGO goodwill evaporates as SK Seri Pristana HM denies apology
Najib: Waytha should toe government line
PAS: Don't appoint 'brainless' ambassadors
'Chorus' of honks as motorists join in fuel price protest
Insider accuses DAP of using Malay members as token reps
UPSI terus gantung pengajian Adam Adli
暗讽廖中莱沉不住气 蔡细历否认只手遮天
Parliament Uncut: 'Official documents determine one's religion'
DBKL enforcers wore shoes in temple; it's SOP says deputy minister
Dyana Sofya: From UMNO supporter roots to DAP rising star
CPM comrades, Thai Princess and retired generals pay last respects to Chin Peng
Opposition: Fuel price hike, higher BR1M will hurt rakyat
亲手递交行动党重选通知书 陆兆福:注册局还要什么?
DAP marches to Sarawak to fight poverty
DAP taking no chances with re-election, spending RM200k
Home Ministry declares 49 gangs unlawful
Shabery: Negaraku could be back in cinemas on Sept 16
《全球见证》:日本无节制进口木材 砂州森林加速消失
否认接纳240分钟国文课 教总等三组织齐驳慕尤丁
"谁说我们不能向小孩问话" 卡立呛记者是否只能盘问大人
The Rise of the Middle Class
颜骏任大选MV红到澳洲去 袋鼠国主持讥"年度最糟"
斗争岁月远去 马共后代期盼出人头地
精武征地风波:公文一日不到手 校董一日不放弃
'Pak Samad sneaked back home late, he deserved it'
看戏前起立唱国歌 民众看法褒贬不一
Homeless by Choice: Actress pens book on living 'outside the box'
Progress in Selangor-Putrajaya water deadlock
Surendran kicked out of parliament over death-in-custody petition