Videos archived from 18 August 2015 Evening
GE13: Soi Lek: China is more corrupt but they're world's No 2Najib, Muhyiddin and Khalid on Bersih's 'shame' list
Thousands throng Anwar ceramah in Malacca
¿De dónde salieron Los Juanelos? [VIDEO]
蔡细历:民联要在柔大胜 做梦才可能
Selangor state assembly dissolved
Khaled to villagers: One vote for the Opposition & I can't help you
Pakatan seat negotiations ongoing, 3 states unresolved
蔡细历:换政府非换衣服 魏家祥驳斥5月5换政府
Drama in Johor: Salahuddin kicked out, UMNO branch dissolved & a candidate slighted
Husam for Putrajaya a 'high risk, high returns' run
PKR: Why were cops given postal ballots first?
العراق.. فنون قتالية خلال العطلة الصيفية!!
"我爱马华和国阵但它们不爱我" 姚长禄拒为巫统候选人助选
Lawyer: PI Bala's wife and kids missing
DAP: Polling staff forced to register as postal voters
School Days HQ Bad Ending Kotonoha's Death
'Homeless' Jui Meng backs Kit Siang
Ghani: If Kit wins, Hadi might be PM
Muhyiddin calls out DAP's 'racist' campaign
Najib: BN's candidate list is final
Pakatan walkover in Bersih manifesto showdown
States follow Najib's lead, prepare for dissolution
柔州土著对行动党仍有顾忌 伊党领袖替吉祥站台消毒
Najib: Who do you trust - Anwar, Hadi or me?
Finally, parliament is dissolved
Pakatan, BN leaders debate manifesto, ideologies & more at ASLI forum
"民主歌声唤明天" 艺人呼吁民众投票
Battleground 2013: DAP all set to conquer Johor
Battleground GE13: Chin Tong:"45% winning chance" in Kluang
Musa Hassan: Police must keep the peace
Protest as Najib appoints GE13 candidates
'DAP not anti-Malay' - Malay leaders defend the party in Johor
Jom Balik Undi运动反应热烈,上海净选盟赞助138人回国投票
Taib: MACC naughty and dishonest, I won't cooperate
雪州议会明日解散 槟城明日觐见元首
GE13: Wong Tack takes on Tiong Lai
Scuffle at DAP Gelang Patah Ceramah
称和诋毁文章无关 伊布拉欣阿里申请撤销起诉
Parliament to dissolve on Wednesday?
雪州出现民联假海报 伊党逮到挂海报者
Bersih's 21-day campaign period demand not met
HRP forces three-way fight in Pakatan seats
Jom Balik Undi Campaign in Singapore
火烧连环船策略攻柔北 民联冀望马来票化东风
PKR's General Hashim to take JB with 'Bosnia war plan'
Rafizi Ramli: Double standards, Rosmah Mansor did not pay AES fine
大选将至? 纳吉再推华语电视广告
'I'm no dictator to take on Kit Siang on a whim'
'Wanted Datuk Seri' detained under SOSMA
Iraqi Arab Dance Fail
Jho Low: 1Malaysia Penang Concert for "Peace, Unity and Prosperity"
SJM: ciclista murió arrollado por bus en avenida Pachacútec
PKR: Voting location changed without knowledge
许子根指私映王者之风没问题 林冠英反问色情片可否也私映?
GE13 on May 5th! Malaysians react
Guan Eng hits out at Koh over Tanda Putera support
候选人怪招吸睛: '歌唱冠军''火大姐'爆红
"Opposition win means short-term pain, long-term gain"
Police: Sabah "OK" for GE13
Nurul Izzah seeks judicial review on electoral roll
Tantawi vs. Saifuddin, youth leaders face-off in Temerloh
Alleged UMNO agents threaten PKR with 'sex videos'
发布千日成绩单 蔡指马华输在不懂宣传
GE13: The rise of independent candidates
DAP's Ubah TV invites Najib to be first guest
DAP's Zairil: We're relying on rakyat's wisdom
GE13, Where To Malaysia?
Dr M: Najib may need to step down if BN fares badly
Google launches site on Malaysian polls
Guan Eng: DAP under attack, ROS decision sabotage
Kabaddi Musharraf Javed Janjua Best Stop Fight Punjabi
PM meets Dong Zong, talks about UEC
国际透明:遵守廉政盟约 纳吉应查泰益
I pity you, Guan Eng tells Chang Yeow
Victor Frankenstein - Official Trailer #1 [FULL HD] Subtitulado - Cinescondite
Najib will have more talks with us, says Hindraf
NGO launches petition for RCI on corruption in Sarawak
自由大马电台启播 首炮解禁安华访问
Guan Eng: We will support Anwar wherever he stands
章耀称被土权威胁 林冠英:我非常可怜他
Sar Jhukao Ge Toh Pathar Devta Ho Jaye Ga
Too late for social media to impact GE13, says academic
Global Witness releases new video
Parliament: Belum dissolve lagi?
Rosmah: I am not involved in Altantuya murder
响应地球一小时运动 隆市长骑车上班
Radio Free Malaysia to break radio silence on Anwar
Un chien fait le mort en courant