Archived > 2016 October > 03 Morning > 16

Videos archived from 03 October 2016 Morning

Colômbia diz "não" por votação ao acordo de paz com as FARC
Kolombiya'da hükümet ile FARC arasında sağlanan barış referanduma sunuldu. Halk, anlaşmaya 'hayır' d
Timochenko: Las FARC quieren la paz y usarán solo la palabra para construirla
Swipe _ How To Become
Top buts 8ème journée - Ligue 1 / 2016-17
Bursa - Zeki Müren, Ölümünün 20'nci Yılında Şarkılarıyla Anıldı
Tous les buts de la 8ème journée - Ligue 1 / 2016-17
Diamond No Ace- Sawamura Eijun Strikes Out Narumiya Mei
100 СЛОЕВ Туалетной Бумаги Челлендж! Человек Паук превратился в МУМИЮ! Супергерои и Дети
Diamond no Ace Seido's Best Moment 1
Diamond no Ace Seido's Best Moment 2
Woman Stacks Treats on Sleeping Boyfriend's Head
Diamond no Ace Seido's Best Moment 3
Squealing Pug Desperately Wants to Hop Onto Couch
Başbakan Yıldırım: "Biz Senedi Milletten Aldık, Hesabı Millete Veririz"
Mei bothers Itsuki - Diamond No Ace
Miyuki vs. Shunshin - Diamond no Ace awesome moment
Cockatoo Has Fun With Nuts
Sawamura vs. Raichi (Season 2) - Diamond no Ace
《LOL》2016 LMS 夏季賽 粵語 Week 5 Day 3
A Street Cat Named Bob - Big Issues - At Cinemas November 4
Selección Peruana: ¿Cuál será el once ante Argentina?
DHANDH ZAARI 2k16-17 (zaariyon + Dhandh) Noha Khuwaan : Zamin Ali Director : Shuja Rind, Waheed Sh
Sendero Luminoso: reavivando el ‘pensamiento Gonzalo’
Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan, Mustafa Avcu'nun Ailesine Taziye Ziyaretinde Bulundu
Ultra Running
Kilis'e 2 Roket Mermisi Atıldı (2)
Franco Escamilla Hagamos el humor parte 1
AbbTakk Headlines 0600AM 03 October 2016
Bowenwork for Migraine relief by Research Perch
D. Led: Julio Jones Shreds Panthers
me mast mlang jya meri mstan dy nal yari...
AP: MLB Wild Card Preview
Peoria PD: Child found dead at Phoenix apartment
Atiker Konyaspor-Adanaspor Maçının Ardından
PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: Dead Men Tell No Tales - Official Movie Trailer #1 - Johnny Depp
Transm[] XxLorD_0f_WaaRxX [] DasWE3D
Colombia rechazó acuerdo de paz con las FARC
Izetbegović- U Sarajevu SDA faktički uzela sve
Franco Escamilla Hagamos el humor parte 2
Mama Rainbow Dacing At A Party In Lagos
《LOL》2016 LMS 夏季賽 粵語 Week 5 Day 1
Şanlıurfa'da Trafik Kazası: 4 Yaralı
In The Weeks Ahead: Westworld - HBO [HD]
Kupovina glasova u Trebinju
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales (Piratas del Caribe: La venganza de Salazar) - Teas
Cartoon for children. The Fire Truck rescued the swimming pool - 55 Episode
Transmisión de PS4 en vivo de Dannysolano107
Fan tries to kiss Kim Kardashian's bum in Paris
Interview with Gustav Gressel on Saudi Arabia's offer to send ground troops to Syria
The Turkish govt says a group linked to Gulenists in the army is behind the #failedcoup
My Story: Kerim Akhan, Heart Recipient
Dubai Plane: Flight EK 521 from India crash landed, Duncan Crawford weighs in
Interview with John Pang on Malaysia corruption scandal
My Story: Srebrenica genocide survivor Nedzad Avdic tells his story
My Story: Zihni Goktay, Actor, Istanbul
Interview with Ahmed Al-Burai from Middle East Monitor on illegal Israeli settlements in West Bank
South Africa Elections: President Jacob Zuma's party fears poor results, Hlonela Lupuwana reports
After The Coup: Turkish military comes under civilian control, Oliver Whitfield-Miocic reports
Boris Johnson is made new Foreign Secretary
Residents of Villarica sceptical about the peace deal between Colombian government and FARC
Interview with Alison Langley from Vienna about presidential election in Austria
Leicester's Fairytale
Interview with Linda Tom about current situation in Syria's Homs
Nepal earthquake: One year on
Turkey-EU Relations: European Parliament president hosted in Ankara
After The Coup: Biden to visit Turkey amid diplomatic tension, Hasan Abdullah reports
Money Talks: The rise and fall of Elizabeth Holmes, interview with Craig Copetas
US President has visited Hiroshima, Sandra Gathmann reports
Brexit or B-remain?
Interview with Muhammed Ammash on Turkey-Israel deal
TRT World - World in Focus: Akinci is set to deal with the Cyprus problem, 2015, May 4
Colombia Peace Deal: Colombian government and FARC sign peace deal, Ben Said reports
Turkish restaurant relies on robotic waiters, Shamim Chowdhury reports
TRT World - World in Focus: Greek Humanitarian Crisis
Interview with Adam Coogle from Human Rights Watch on Saudi executions
German teenager kills 9 people at a busy shopping centre in Munich, Sarah Jones reports
Money Talks: Iolo ap Dafydd reports on Istanbul’s mega projects, interview with Hatice Karahan
Interview with David Charter from Times Newspaper over reactions on Brexit in Berlin
Interview with former EU Official Andy McGuffie on Bosnia’s bid for EU
Korean Tensions: North Korea suspected of carrying out nuclear test
Astrophysicist Jaymie Matthews talks to TRT World about gravitational waves
《LOL》2016 LMS 夏季賽 粵語 Week 5 Day 2
The Newsmakers: Russia-Turkey Relations
Turkey sent evidence to US of Gulen's involvement in the attempted coup
TRT World correspondent Francis Collings reports from Nizip refugee camp in Turkey's Gaziantep
Interview with Haidar Eid from Al Aqsa University on Turkey-Israel relations
TRT World - World in Two Minutes, 2015, July 23, 09:00 GMT
Exclusive Interview on the attempted coup with Vasip Sahin, Governor of Istanbul
Showcase: Ottoman Architect Mimar Sinan - Master of the geometry
Мультики с игрушками. Свинка Пеппа идет в ШКОЛУ. Мультфильмы Peppa Pig Серия 72
Live Gun Battle Still Continues Between India and Pakistan
Italian Navy rescued 1400 migrants in one day, Soraya Lennie reports
Interview with Gulnur Aybet about the failed coup attempt
After The Coup: Biden's visit to Ankara follows coup attempt, Iolo ap Dafydd reports
Showcase: Alistair Hicks - Global Art Compass
Italy Earthquake: Government declares state of emergency, Sabina Castelfranco reports
South Sudan Conflict: Interview with northeast Africa researcher Douglas H. Johnson
JOKERboy334's Live PS4 Broadcast
The Real Madrid Superfan, Luis Redondo