Archived > 2016 October > 04 Morning > 13

Videos archived from 04 October 2016 Morning

Amores de Mercado 30 - Se ensañaron contra el Jonathan-pt2
FARC mantienen voluntad para encontrar salida negociada al conflicto
Si tu me besas - Victor Manuelle
phonic song | alphabets song | learn abc | nursery rhymes | kids songs
รถไฟเหาะช่วยรักษา ผู้ป่วยผ่านนิ่วในไตได้
ONU seguirá apoyando el proceso de paz en Colombia
Lahore Rising Stars vs Faisalabad Rising Star, Rising Jazz T20 Cup Final Highlights-THE WORLD SPORTS
ฆ่าล้างโคตรญาติตัวเอง โมโหไม่ให้ยืมเงินใช้หนี้พนัน
37 Avance El Camionero
กินกำปั้นทีเผลอ ชายขี้โมโหสาวเต็มหน้าหญิงใจดี
Siirt - Şehit Korucu Törenle Toprağa Verildi
rock paper scissors song | nursery rhymes | kids songs | baby videos
Le Lab Secret - Area 51 & Mothman [S01E04]
PS4-Live-Übertragung von akathabozz
Zincirleme Trafik Kazası: 25 Yaralı
เอาลูกห้อยชุดแต่งงาน อยากให้มีส่วนร่วมว่างั้น
بث PS4 المباشر الخاص بـ ‎sultanwadie1401‎‏
Brasil:Partido de Temer pierde alcaldías en Sao Paulo y Río de Janeiro
Timochenko: ‘a paz não pode ser anulada por maioria’
Documentaire Soupapes et pistons - Course automobile au début du 20eme siècle
FailArmy Presents: People Are Awesome: Fails VS. Wins #1
Roger GUEDES Golazoooo Goal - FC Santa Cruz 2-3 Palmeiras (03/10/2016)
Brasil: derecha gana en primera vuelta la Alcaldía de Sao Paulo
《LOL》2016 LCK 夏季賽 國語 Week 2 Day 6
AB'den MEB'e Suriyeli Öğrenciler İçin 300 Milyon Avroluk Fon
Tajaldine: 50% de húngaros votaron por la xenofobia
Bob The Train - Bob The Train | Animal Sounds Songs for Kids
ФСБ поймала украинского шпиона
Путин выдвинул жесткий ультиматум США
Franco Escamilla en el Blanquita Parte 4 SERGIO MEJORADO
Cuba toma medidas de protección ante inminente llegada de Matthew
Москва приостанавливает сотрудничество с США
США остановило сотрудничество с Россией
Yasa Dışı Yollarla Türkiye'ye Girdiği İddia Edilen Pyd/ypg Mensubu 3 Kişi Tutuklandı
Enquête Sur Les OVNIS - Secret D'État [S01E04]
Президент Турции раскритиковал Евросоюз
Ciudades orientales de Cuba se preparan para llegada de Matthew
36 El Camionero
То, что не показали по ТВ. О развитии России и тормозах.
FC Santa Cruz 2-3 Palmeiras - Todos Los Goles - All Goals Exclusive (03/10/2016)
Удар правдой от Путина
В Москве задержан украинский шпион
Ege Denizi'ndeki Yasa Dışı Geçişler
Grujičić- Neće biti problema sa obilježavanjem 11. jula
زوج مخلوع يطعن زوجته 10 طعنات لرفضها العودة إليه
nirma+momar rana-aaja sohniya
Россия наградила белоруса , который пронёс российский флаг
29 Ámbar
la minute Mondial de l'auto S01E15 : Volkswagen ID
Presentan robot parlante para acompañar humanos
EUA suspendem conversações sobre cessar-fogo na Síria
Любыми путями в Евросоюз. На Украине разрешат однополые браки
President Erdogan says the operation Euphrates Shield is necessary to defend country's security
Syrians welcomed by traditional Maori ceremony in New Zealand, Caitlin McGee reports
Erdogan and Putin due to speak by phone, Hasan Abdullah reports
Ethnic minorities struggle for representation in Ethiopia, Anelise Borges reports
Boxing legend Muhammad Ali dies
Urkun Centenary: New memorial to deaths of thousands of Kyrgyz
Fighting Daesh: Turkey-backed Syrian rebels take Jarablus, Jon Brain reports
#Rohingya : A Stateless Minority
New video shows 15 Chibok girls wearing robes, Sophia Adengo reports from Abuja
Fighting Daesh: Erdogan says Syria operation aimed at Daesh, YPG, Jon Brain reports
Muslim pilgrims spend Hajj's holiest day in Arafat
After The Coup: President Erdogan has met with investors, Hasan Abdullah reports
Pakistan Attack: Suicide bomber targets courthouse in Mardan
Showcase: Geometric Patterns in Islamic Architecture
Interview with Paul Rogers on the failed push in Sirte
Interview with Oliver Carding on identity of bitcoin founder
TRT World: CHP Election Manifesto
7.9 magnitude quake hits off Sumatra coast, Melanie Ralph reports
People's reaction to Dubai skyscraper fire
TRT World's Alican Ayanlar brings markets' reaction to the attempted coup
Italy Earthquake: Community comes to the aid of quake victims, Sarah Morice reports
Money Talks: Modi’s African tour, interview with Ian Cruickshanks
Lebanon Municipal Elections, Abir Ahmar reports from Beirut
Labor candidate Sadiq Khan leads in the polls in London, Dominic Valitis reports
TRT World's Sandra Gathmann brings the latest on peace deal between Colombian govt and FARC rebels
After The Coup: US military chief visits Ankara for talks, Hasan Abdullah reports
Ante la inseguridad, mexicanos optan por blindar sus casas y barrios
East African nation looks on to the stars, Anelise Borges reports from Ethiopia's Addis Ababa
Interview with Suhasini Haidar from The Hindu Newspaper about Kashmir protests
Interview with Galip Dalay from Al Sharq Forum about Turkey-Russia relations
Myanmar's new president Htin Kyaw sworn in, Duncan Crawford reports
Turkey-Iran Relations: Zarif says we need to fight extremism together, Hasan Abdullah reports
TRT World - World in Focus: Why are negative interest rates spreading?
TRT World - World in Focus: Turkey’s Women Village Guards
The Newsmakers: Women in Power
EU-Turkey Relations: EU Foreign policy chief holds talks in Turkey
CHEVY Powered TT Mustang SVO!
Interview with Ravza Kavakci about US-Turkey relations after Vice President Joe Biden's Turkey visit
Reality TV Star Robbed: Kim Kardashian held up at gunpoint in Paris
Interview with Muhdiin Mohamed Ali about Somalia conference in Istanbıl
Mohamed Sheikh Nor reports from Mogadishu about latest on Somali restaurant attack
TRT World - World in Focus: Turkey, Russia and Montreux
İzmir - Restoranda Korkutan Yangın
Money Talks: Nigeria’s new measures on remittance, interview with Alix Murphy and Fidelis Mbah
Qualifs CM 2018 - Bleus: Didier Deschamps parle de Paul Pogba
Showcase: International Magazine Art Fair
TRT World - World in Focus: Past Week in Turkey, June 29, 2015