Archived > 2016 December > 28 Evening > 54

Videos archived from 28 December 2016 Evening

TRT World: Priscilla Clapp talks to TRT World about Myanmar elections
سبرنج رولز بالانشوجة والخضار - طبق مقبلات بالرنجا والفسيخ | أتفضلو عندنا حلقة كاملة
لحم ضاني مع العدس والسبانخ - البطاطس المقليه والمتبلة | مغربيات حلقة كاملة
TRT World - Interview with Myra Dahgaypaw on Myanmar Elections
TRT World: Liaquat Ali Hazara, chairman of HUM talks to TRT World about Afghan protests
كب كيك حادق - جمبري مقلي - شعرية باللبن والمكسرات | أتفضلو عندنا حلقة كاملة
TRT World: Radicalisation expert Romain Quivooij talks to TRT World about Paris attacks
دجاج فيليه بالكركديه - دجاج بتتبيلة الكركديه - جيلى الكركديه | عيش وملح حلقة كاملة
Battle for Sinjar
صدور دجاج بالسالمون - كنافة كدابة | أتفضلو عندنا حلقة كاملة
TRT World: Defence and security editor Chris Hughes talks to TRT World about Paris attacks
protest against beadvi of ardas
ليزي كيك - الرسم بالشيكولاته | حلو وحادق حلقة كاملة
عجينة شو - كريم باتسيير | مطبخ 101 حلقة كاملة
URGENTE: Kerry: israelíes y palestinos deben formar dos Estados
فرنش فيليه لحم - شوربة الدجاج بالمشروم | أتفضلو عندنا حلقة كاملة
سمان بالتين المجفف - عصير champagne plus | طبخة ونص حلقة كاملة
دجاج مغربى بالأعشاب - سلو | مغربيات حلقة كاملة
TRT World: Turkey releases audio recording of warnings given to the Russian jet
فلفل محشي و وصفات اخرى | اميرة في المطبخ حلقة كاملة
دجاج بالمسطردة و وصفات اخرى | اميرة في المطبخ حلقة كاملة
أرز بالبرتقال و وصفات اخرى | اميرة في المطبخ حلقة كاملة
TRT World - World in Two Minutes, 2015, November 25, 15:00 GMT
لفائف السردين محشية بالأرز - غموس اللوز المغربى | مغربيات حلقة كاملة
العشرة نصائح للدايت | حلو وحادق حلقة كاملة
Moh Ke Chale Door Karne Ka Wazifa
أرز بالطماطم و وصفات اخرى | اميرة في المطبخ حلقة كاملة
Happy Birthday Song Frozen-ZM1xQA_6V7c
TRT World - 5 People to face Vatican judge in 'Vatileaks' case
TRT World - Interview with Ishak Kizilarslan, Imam of the Blue Mosque about actions of DAESH
TRT World - Divorce leaves Syrian women in limbo
TRT World - Turkish Coast Guard rescues refugees from sinking boat
TRT World - World in Two Minutes, 2015, November 25, 09:00 GMT
TRT World - Alon Liel from Tel Aviv University talks on tension between Israel and Palestine
TRT World - World in Two Minutes, 2015, November 24, 15:00 GMT
TRT World - Worldwide DAESH terror triggers international empathy
TRT World - World in Two Minutes, 2015, November 24, 09:00 GMT
TRT World - World in Two Minutes, 2015, November 25, 13:00 GM
TRT World: William Assanvo talks to TRTWorld about Mali hotel attack
TRT World - Russian air strikes force thousands of Turkmens to flee
TRT World - World in Two Minutes, 2015, November 25, 07:00 GMT
TRT World - Dr Margaret Harris from WHO talks about WHO's report on EBOLA failure
Chicago shooting: Officer charged with murder
TRT World - World in Two Minutes, 2015, November 23, 09:00 GMT
TRT World - World in Two Minutes, 2015, November 24, 13:00 GMT
TRT World: West Bank violence between Israelis and Palestinians
Russian plane down, tensions rise between Turkey and Russia
TRT World - Funeral of 21 Pakistani militants killed in a drone strike in Afghanistan
TRT World - World in Two Minutes, 2015, November 23, 07:00 GMT
TRT World - World in Two Minutes, 2015, November 24, 13:00 GMT
طاجن كفتة السمك - سلطة طنجية | مغربيات حلقة كاملة
TRT World: Babar Baloch from UNHCR talks to TRT World about refugee crisis
Bishop of Manchester, David Walker, talks to TRTWorld about Church of England's critics on cinema
TRT World - World in Two Minutes, 2015, November 19, 15:00 GMT
TRT World - Belgium Security Alert
TRT World - World in Two Minutes, 2015, November 19, 13:00 GMT
TRT World - World in Focus: Russian plane crash: Surface-to-air missile or a soda can?
Interview with Galip Dalay on Russian plane downed by Turkey
TRT World - World in Two Minutes, 2015, November 20, 11:00 GMT
TRT World - World in Two Minutes, 2015, November 20, 07:00 GMT
TRT World - World in Two Minutes, 2015, November 25, 11:00 GMT
TRT World: Marmara University Russia expert Emre Ersen talks to TRT World about Russian plane down
Five drowned in India as overloaded boat capsizes
Pope Francis' Africa visit: Security tightened up
Christmas Fails (December 2016) || FailArmy
TRT World - Interview with Former Director of the NSA Michael Hayden, Part 2
TRT World: Pakistan's Polio Struggle, Hamza Ameer reports from Peshawar
Rapid Rashmi Facebook Live Chat Went Wrong - ತನ್ನ ಫ್ಯಾನ್ ಗೆ ಹಿಗ್ಗಾ ಮುಗ್ಗಾ ಬೈದ ರಾಪಿಡ್ ರಶ್ಮಿ - YouTube
TRT World - Interview with Former Director of the NSA Michael Hayden, Part 3
TRT World: Aftermath of Paris attacks in Texas, Haddie Djemal reports
TRT World: Maximilian Heywood talks to TRTWorld on FIFA scandal & transparency
TRT World - World in Two Minutes, 2015, November 20, 09:00 GMT
TRT World: Former police officer Peter Williams talks about recent anti-terror raids in France
تارت التفاح - تفاح بصوص التوفى | مطبخ 101 حلقة كاملة
TRT World: Syrian women deserted by their husbands, Zeina Awad reports from Turkey's Gaziantep
US President Obama's talks in second day of G20 Antalya Summit
TRT World: Syrian National Coalition President Khalid Khoja talks to TRTWorld on war in Syria
Authorities search for Paris attack ringleader
Brussels at the highest level of terror alert, Jack Parrock reports
TRT World - World in Two Minutes, 2015, November 18, 07:00 GMT
TRT World - World in Focus: Past Week in Turkey
TRT World: Former Spanish Foreign Minister Ana Palacio interviewed on Schengen deal
TRT World - Interview with Saadia Zahidi about gender pay gap
TRT World - World in Two Minutes, 2015, November 16, 09:00 GMT
TRT World: Former CIA senior analyst Frederick Fleitz talks to TRT World about Paris attacks
TRT World: US President Obama says Assad must go to end civil war in Syria
Fidelis Mbah weighs in on Mali hotel hostage situation
TRT World - World in Two Minutes, 2015, November 18, 11:00 GMT
TRT World - World in Two Minutes, 2015, November 18, 15:00 GMT
TRT World - World in Two Minutes, 2015, November 19, 11:00 GMT
TRT World: Deirdre de Burca talks on French security measures in TRTWorld interview
باجيت - لوف القرفه | مطبخ 101 حلقة كاملة
مكرونة بالزبادي واللحم المفروم - تغليفة الكيك الفاخرة | زعفران وفانيلا حلقة كاملة
TRT World: Michel Juneau-Katsuya from CSIS talks to TRT World about Belgium security
TRT World - Fred Burton talks about Paris attacks and the global war on Daesh
TRT World - Interview with Gustav Gressel about France's war declaration on DAESH
TRT World - World in Two Minutes, 2015, November 17, 09:00 GMT
TRT World: US-China tensions before APEC summit, Tony Cheng reports from Manila
TRT World - Interview with Former Director of the NSA Michael Hayden, Part I