Videos archived from 21 June 2017 Evening
Naw Phaw Lu Lu Home for people with HIVSuu Kyi gives robes to monks and nuns
World AIDS Day at NLD Office
AK Parti Genel Başkan Yardımcısı Yazıcı, Gazetecilerin Sorularını Cevapladı
TV Anchor Shuts Down Troll Who Threatened Her On Air
Exercice attentat : plan blanc à Lorient
Une maman fait le plus beau des cadeaux à sa fille !
Ta Présence - Clip Pasteur Moise Mbiye
Une combattante MMA finit KO après avoir provoqué son adversaire
Un homme le menace avec un couteau, sa réaction est dingue ! - Le Rewind du mercredi 21 Juin 2017
Entraînement du Standard
Danica Patrick Instagrams Positive Body Image Message
Lilian Thuram : droit au but contre le racisme
i24NEWS DESK | Pressing Mideast topics on debate at conference | Wednesday, June 21st 2017
Vijay Nambiar ends Burma Visit
EXCLUSIVE - Syria: On the battlefield against the Islamic state Group in Raqqa
Lulzim Basha porosti byrek me qepë në Lushnjë
My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic - Season 7 Episode 12 - Discordant Harmony
Thu Wei talks to media after meeting with Suu Kyi
Fête de la Musique: Manu Lanvin en direct de la terrasse du HuffPost
PM Modi was under terrorist threat during Kochi trip| वनइंडिया हिंदी
Attentat déjoué à Bruxelles : que s'est-il passé ?
Tilbe Şenyürek: "Asıl turnuva şimdi başlıyor diyebiliriz"
الشيف ومفيدة | بيتي فور - كسكسي بالسجق | الحلقة الكاملة
Ramzan Main Bol Aamir Liaquat Ke Sath – 21st June 2017
Plateau des 1000 étangs / The thousand ponds plateau
Suu Kyi and her son take a stroll through Bogyoke Market
The Kachin's last stand
Comment pêcher un chat !
Nesli Tükenmekte Olan Dev İspermeçet Balinası, Hatay Sahilde Kıyıya Vurdu
Plan blanc. Quand l'hôpital de Lorient se prépare au pire
برنامج اكتشاف النجوم الاشهر عالمياً في الكويت - The X Factor
Aung San Suu Kyi in fourteen days freedom
May's plans for hard Brexit dominate Queen's Speech
برومو برنامج ديو المشاهير - حلقة الخميس 29 نوفمبر
Supporters at NLD Office
The Kachin's last stand
CHP'nin 'Adalet Yürüyüşü'nde 7'nci Gün
Şiddetli yağmur ve fırtına çatıları uçurdu
LIVE COVERAGE: Shooting rampage in Munich, multiple deaths reported, gunmen at large
Il ne faut surtout pas toucher à ses maracas !
Doc McStuffins Farting Mommy Tummy Ache Checkup, Doc McStuffins Gives Fart Mommy a Needle
Milas'ta 2 Kilo Esrarla 36 Kök Hint Keneviri Ele Geçirildi
Ergenekon Ana Davasında 3 Dosya Ayrıldı
Demet Akalın 'Sultan Baba Türbesi'ne Gidip Dua Etti
François Bayrou et Emmanuel Macron ensemble pendant la campagne présidentielle
زي الشمس - الفقرة المرورية
Mersin Çevrecilerden Tersane Tepkisi
【未播】迪丽热巴打败大黑牛 玩游戏的小表情太可爱了《奔跑吧》Keep Running EP.10 20170616 [ 浙江卫视官方HD ]
Ricardo Sa Pinto, entraîneur du Standard de Liège
بهدووء - كلمة أخيرة للضيوف
Transmisión de PS4 en vivo de Fresita-RD
Un petit garçon rencontre son héro !
بهدووء - نعى شهيدى الإعلان الدستوري
İstanbul’da büyük narkotik operasyonu
Des meubles Ikea en réalité augmentée grâce à Apple ?
i24NEWS DESK | East Mosul residents start rebuilding homes, lives | Wednesday, June 21st 2017
Kabir Khan speaks about SRK's cameo in 'Tubelight'
Kalanick dimite como jefe de Uber por presiones de accionistas
بهدووء - فرص الخروج من المأزق الراهن
زي الشمس - اهم فقرات اليوم
قوات سوريا الديمقراطية تسيطر على مواقع جنوب الرقة
Drone'lar "Kadir Gecesi" İçin Uçtu
Marian Hossa will miss the upcoming NHL season
"La recepcionista", el fracaso del sueño británico a ojos de una taiwanesa
Pepe: Bizim için ayrıcalık
Polis İntihar Etmek İsteyen Genci Köprünün Demirlerine Kelepçeledi
NATO uçağı Rus bakanın uçağını taciz etti
Un chien sauvé de la noyade par un policier
District administration launches operation against violators of Ehteram-Ramzan act
Canelo Alvarez and Gennady Golovkin go face-to-face
Inquisitive hawksbill turtle gets close to divers
هنا العاصمة - عاشور: ما حدث التفاف
Bodrum Işadamı Suwaidi, Bodrum'da
هنا العاصمة - بيان الرئاسة عن اجتماع مجلس القضاء.
Suriyelilere Yönelik Ramazan Yardımları
Şükrü Tuğrul Özşengül'ün İtirafı Şok Etti: Babam İşkenceci Bir Polisti
Mizzima's interview with Aung San Suu Kyi
Voyage en Lorraine / Travel in Lorraine
Mercato – Les dernières informations
زي الشمس - الغاء مليونية الاخوان
Nathalie Renoux sur l'affaire Grégory : "J'espère qu'un jour la vérité sortira"
hiramis Franches Montagnes Bois Naison attelage
OMG | Krushna COMING with Kapil Sharma’s Family !
الامام الطيب | " الالحاد " الحلقة السادسة و العشرون
Mumbai : Man flings chilli powder at commuter, arrested - Tv9 Gujarati
NATO uçağı Rus Bakanın uçağını taciz etti!
Baklavacıların Bayram Mesaisi
La "Fraîch'attitude" à Saint Jean de Védas
هنا العاصمه - استمرار اعتصام نادي القضاة1
Bizarre experiment studies pumas reacting to political talk shows
هنا العاصمة - استمرار اعتصام نادي القضاة
الستات مايعرفوش يطبخوا - CBC-26-11-2012
Conseils d’une coach pour un corps de rêve cet été
Çanakkale'de film sahnelerini aratmayan kovlamaca
Health benefit of benifits of Jimikand
زي الشمس - الفقرة المرورية
هنا العاصمة - جبهة الإنقاذ ترفض أي حصانة