Archived > 2018 February > 16 Evening > 42

Videos archived from 16 February 2018 Evening

INLD demonstration against the death of farmers in Faridabad
भारत की जीत के लिए हवन और दुआओं का दौर जारी, देखें वीडियो
Accused arrested while making fake aadhar card in Kushinagar
Farmers protest on loan waiver in Champawat
JCB runs on the wall of the temple built by encroachment
Sunil pal joke for india Vs Pakistan match
कानपुर में अस्पताल में छात्रा के साथ रेप मामले में भारी बवाल
Which is the film actress Madhurima regrets working in
surprised worship in jamshedpur
बाबूलाल मरांडी ने शुरू की पदयात्रा II Babulal Marandi starts protest march for DC line closure
मातृ दोष को इन उपायों से करें दूर II Matradosh in kundli and remedies for it by sarita gupta
MLA Gahotri inaugurated Blood Collection Center in Champawat
शाहजहांपुर :मुआवजे के लिए तीन घंटे जाम रखा स्टेट हाइवे II State Highway kept for compensation
The Memory Team, Old Friends, New Problems - Episode 2
नैनीताल में भारतीय मजदूर संघ के कार्यकर्ताओं ने निकाला जुलूस II Indian Labor Union Protest
People kept the farmer's dead body infront of DM office and creates ruckus
captive bike rider in CCTV snatching woman's chain
Fut Champ
मृत पुलिसकर्मियों के आश्रितों ने मुख्यमंत्री से अपील II Dead policemen awaiting appointment demanded
Dangerous snake caught in a village of Samastipur
Ekta Kapoor in the race of reaping the benefits of Bahubali's success II विशाल आदित्य सिंह
Ruckus happened in Aamgola Bihar after a man died in accident
अलविदा की नमाज अदा कर मुल्क तरक्की और अमन चैन की दुआ
सलामत रहे मुस्‍कुराहटों का ये कोना II NRC Medical college is trying to fight with mall nutrition
मेकअप से पाएं पतली और सुंदर नाक II how to get slim nose through makeup by makeup artist, shruti
Astro solutions for keeping the ailments away and get the immunity power
Ramnath Kovind born in Kanpur dehat
Taxi drivers protest against GST in Champawat
Unboxing M99 Heart Rate Sports Smartband
औरंगाबाद : धू धू कर जला मोबाइल टॉवर का केबिन II mobile tower cabin burn in Aurangabad bihar
Students create riots in bihar sharif railway station
बदरीनाथ हाईवे पर सिलेंडर से भरे ट्रक में विस्फोट II Gas cylinder blast in badrinath highway
Woman give birth to girl in running UP roadways bus
People demolition in English liquor shop, beaten employees
Jamshedpur people did yoga on International Yoga Day
What should be the diet for hypertension II हाइपरटेंशन में क्या हो डाइट
लंदन: तेज रफ्तार कार ने मस्जिद के बाहर लोगों को रौंदा II car rams worshippers outside London mosque
लखीसराय के प्रेम ने किया टॉप II First interview of Bihar board class 10th State Topper Prem Kumar
Demonstrations performed by villagers on demand of teachers in Champawat
इलाहाबाद: लोक सेवा आयोग के पास लगी भीषण आग II A fierce fire near the Public Service Commission
Superman vs Hulk - The Fight (Part 3)
मस्जिद में एक साथ 5 हजार लोगों ने अदा की जुमे की नमाज
No road lights arranged on the JP bridge patna
Purabiya Bay in Surganga II लोकगीतों पर लगे ठुमके तो चली पूरबिया बयार
congress president pritam singh press conference in Uttarakhand
La star du salon de l'agriculture se prépare (reportage)
Smashing Pumpkins confirman su gira de reunión
Rohit's mother Geeta demanded CBI probe at SSP Office
नहाने का साबुन कैसा हो II How to choose a good bathing soap by dr Deepali Bharadwaj,dermatologist
मुजफ्फरपुर: ट्रांसफॉर्मर के लिए रामदयालुनगर बिजली कार्यालय में तोड़फोड़
Paul Play Dairo LIVE @ One Lagos Fiesta
top 10 news in hindi
PM Narendra Modi, CM Yogi Adityanath in Lucknow on occasion of International Yoga Day
यूपी: फिर सुलगी जाट आरक्षण की चिंगारी II Agitation on demand to Jat reservation
watch top 10 big news in video of national and international world
Audila Ahmed of Tajikistan narrated Hindi song in IMA Dehradun
पिठौरिया में एक किसान ने कुएं में कूदकर दी जान II farmer commited suicide in Pithauria Jharkhand
Former Speaker to sit on fast against farmer suicide
Vartolu, Bursaspor antrenmanında şov yaptı
Yoga Guru giving some tips on Yoga
The Longest Five Minutes : Un concept béton pour un gameplay sans fond
Bihar Board 10th Result 2017 came out today
मुरादाबाद: तबस्सुम ने अपनाया योग II After the protest of family, Tabasum adopted Yoga
Lipstick Under My Burkha: नए पोस्टर के साथ फिल्म रिलीज की नई तारीख जारी
Sautin Mein Dala Tara Bhojpuri song 2018
2018 AdSense Account Disabled for Invalid Traffic | Appeal Form & Reinstated Urdu / Hindi
Zeytin Dalı Harekatı'nın 28. Gününde İki Köy Daha Pkk/pyd'den Kurtarıldı
The Memory Team, Born To Fly - Episode 1
गुरु गोरक्षनाथ के महायोगियों का चमत्कार II Gorakhnath Mahayogi Miracle Mistry
Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan'ın Talep Ettiği Külliyenin Temeli Atıldı
मेरे वेट लॉस का सफर... II Know about the Weight loss schedule by Teena Chaudhary
Bursalı şehit yüzbaşı KHK'ile TSK'nın öğretmen pilot kadrosuna girmiş
उत्तर प्रदेश में मनाया गया अंतरराष्ट्रीय योग दिवस II Uttar Pradesh International Yoga Day 2017
Başbakan Yıldırım, 54. Uluslararası Münih Güvenlik Konferansı'nda - MÜNİH
Balıkesir Suriyeli Öğrenciden, Afrin'deki Mehmetçiğe Duygu Yüklü Mektup-Hd
Smartphone Photography Tips: Learn Basic Composition & Rule of Thirds
Vidéo sur fortnite (64)
Shanti Dope - Nadarang (Official MV Teaser)
شاهد جنون عصام الشوالي على مهارات و لمسات أشرف بن شرقي الرائعة!! -
Eure. Une femme dévorée par ses chiens.
प्रिया प्रकाश वररिएर को देख पिघल गए नरेंद्र मोदी _ Priya vs Modi Meme
Bugün Neler Oldu? - 16 Şubat 2018
शक्तिशाली नीच भंग राज योग-Nikhil Gupta-Powerful Neech Bhang Raj Yoga-Astrology
L'appel à la communauté internationale des Casques blancs syriens
ಸುವರ್ಣ ವಾಹಿನಿಯಲ್ಲಿ ಅತಿ ಶೀಘ್ರದಲ್ಲೇ ಪ್ರಸಾರ ಆಗಲಿದೆ 'ತಾರಕ್' | Filmibeat Kannada
Denizli'de eşi tarafından öldürülen anne ve kızının cenazeleri toprağa verildi - MANİSA
علاج طبيعيّ لتبييض وشدّ محيط العينين والقضاء على الهالات السوداء
साइनोसाइटिस पहचानें और करें बचाव: Treatment sinus infections and sinusitis by by Dr Ameet Kishore
Cumhurbaşkanı Başdanışmanı Topçu, “Müttefiklerimizden terörle yandaşlığı bırakıp, ay yıldızla dost o
Raashi Sood Bewafa Hunde Ne SONG _ LATEST PUNJABI VIDEO SONG 2017 _ Navi Ferozpurwala ....
Ekonomi Bakanı Nihat Zeybekci: "2017 Yılının Son 3.çeyreğiyle İlgili de Muhtemelen Yine Oecd ve...
Le Match des GG - 16/02
winter shlekt
India vs South Africa 6th ODI : Chis Morris out for 4 runs, Kuldeep strikes | Oneindia News