Videos archived from 07 March 2018 Noon
Dying Inside To Hold You piano synthesiaRani Kulup bagi nasihat untuk orang yang suka berpolitik
kebakaran kuaters di Miri Sarawak
M'sia's talent pool is too small, says KJ
Hudud was not handled properly, says Siti Mariah
I do not betray the people by leaving PAS, says Siti Mariah
Unfair to call those who dont join Bersih unpatriotic, says Deputy Home Minister
Najib is sincere about moderation, but face tremendous pressure from UMNO
We need educate Malaysians to understand their own religion and religion of other
Kami sudah bersedia gempur BERSIH
PMSP kecewa dgn pihak berkuasa
Anti BERSIH 4.0 batal perhimpunan
Bersih has a political agenda, says youth NGO
Pépites & Pipeaux: Prodways - 07/03
Mahathir makes appearance at Bersih 4
bersih 4 0 day 1
Disabled man joins Bersih to vent dissatisfaction
Bersih 4 concert
Bersih 4 Negaraku
Bersih participants tell their demands for the rally
Bersih 4: Day 1 (Highlights)
Mahathir’s appearance shows repentance
Independence Day preparations disrupted
Yati & Anne (PKR members) entertained passersby with PKR's song
Rain infront of Bangunan Sultan Abdul Samad
Pour une architecture financière plus cohérente de la zone euro [Thierry Philipponnat]
Tun Mahathir at Bersih 4 site
Tun Mahathir at Bersih 4-Part2
Tun Mahathir at Bersih 4-Part3
Mahathir on USD 700 million
Tun Mahathir at Bersih4-Part4
saya sokong rakyat, bersih pun rakyat juga says tun m
The people i chose abused power, says Mahathir
BERSIH is not a political party says Tun M
The man behind Mrs Brown speaks to The Project
Tun Mahathir at Bersih 4 - Part 5
Tun Mahathir at BERSIH 4 - Part6
Tun Mahathir at BERSIH 4 - Part7
Thousand of Bersih 4.o participants gathering in front of Masjek Jamek LRT
Speeches at Bersih 4
Aerial view of Bersih 4 at Masjid Jamek
Aerial view of Bersih 4 at Masjid Jamek2
Bersih 4 rally goers accompanied by various musical performances
Bersih 4 crowds dispersing
Bersih 4 crowds dispersing2
Bersih 4: Final day highlights (Part 1)
Yaşadığımız her yer onlarla güzel... #SatınAlmaSahiplen
Scuffle between media and Bersih security.
Two were arrested on suspicion of throwing firecrackers
Avec "L'Ordre des choses", la question des migrants rattrape le cinéma italien
Bersih 4 : Final day highlights (Part 2)
Anina no longer in UMNO says Nazri
‘If Mahathir wants to take a walk, let him’
Pua probed for involvement in 1MDB expose
We are the Rakyat
Tun Mahathir Subang Sky Park
Top priority is to bring Najib down, not if PAS in new PR
Hamidah tidak takut dipecat, terus desak Najib berundur
जानिए कैसे सुलझा रामायण से बरम || Mystery Of The Bermuda Triangle || Amazing Mysteries || अदभुत रहस्
DAP chinese, don't be 'kurang ajar' to the malays says Jamal
If they get in, they will meet us says Abdul Razak
Himpunan Maruah Melayu- Petaling Street1
Himpunan Maruah Melayu- Petaling Street2
Peserta Himpunan Maruah Melayu
هند صبري في لقاء ليالي الكويت
Perhimpunan Maruah Melayu
Chinese reporter from Astro chased away
KLCC chaos
Polive vs Himpunan Maruah Melayu
Red shirt crwod in Padang Merbuk
Red shirt crowd at padang merbok
Red shirt crowd in Petaling St
Red shirts in Petaling St(1)
Red shirts in Petaling St(2)
Chelsea Clinton et Ivanka Trump ne sont plus amis
FRU controlling situation in Petaling St(2)
FRU controlling situation in Petaling St(3)
FRU controlling situation in Petaling St(1)
اسلام منتج الفيلم المسيء عن الرسول صلى الله عليه و سلم
5 façons d'utiliser le café - mise à part en boisson !
Water cannon FRU at Petaling St
FRU getting ready
Humour : les Bodin’s en campagne
Police discussing with Red shirt at Petaling St
Les 4 Vérités - Le Foll : "Ma notoriété est un atout" pour briguer la tête du PS
Red Shirt discussing with police
FRU making a new line in front of Kota Raya(1)
Les bons conseils alimentaires de Michel Cymes pour lutter contre l'hypertension
FRU making a new line in front of Kota Raya(2)
Datuk Jamal Yunus trying to pacify Red Shirt in Pe
Kalın: 'Doğu Akdeniz'i bir çatışma bölgesi değil, ortak fayda bölgesi haline getirelim' - ANKARA
Pacifying the crowd
Saifuddin should not have attended, Zahid says
Muhyiddin mum over claims of taking Dr M’s side
Neno la nahodha John Bocco kuelekea mchezo dhidi ya Al-Masry
Μαρινέλλα & Αντώνης Ρέμος - Εγώ κι εσύ ( Τα λόγια είναι περιττά ) - Live 2016 Κατράκειο Θέατρο
Rally in Kajang to divert attention, says Wan Azizah