Videos archived from 01 November 2018 Noon
Shimano Fireblood pole testMonster pike - biggest ever on film
Erzurumspor'da Akhisarspor maçı hazırlıkları - ERZURUM
Mark Pollard on bread fishing
Pete Gleadon at Watermeadows Fishery
Kieron Rich on Method feeder fishing in winter
IYCF Target baits
Sea Angler on shockleaders
100lb nets using the Shotgun feeder on Hinderclay Lakes
Greys Prowler pike boat rods test
Fishing in Norway
Andy Buckley on bread fishing
Ian Boyd on the tactic that's made him unbeatable
Kieron Rich catching F1s
Alders Farm springs to life with 100lb hauls on every peg
Kooperatif başkanlarından Marmarabirlik Başkanı Asa’ya destek
Sea Angler on Safari2
Steve Ellis on how fishing positive can count
Maver Match This competition interview.avi
Daiwa seatboxes and accessories on test
Dapping for carp with a pole, bread and dog biscuits
Method feeder outscoring poles on snake lake
Keith Little on how he caught his 8lb 6oz chub
Şarkıcı Sıla, Fiziki Şiddetten Şikayetçi Olduğu Kural Hakkında 3 Ay Koruma Kararı Aldırdı
Matt Hayes talks about his new TV series
Margin fishing for carp at Moorlands Farm
We test the perfect fishing rod for catching F1 carp
Drennan's new In-Line Flat Method Feeders revealed
New innovative Nisa feeder is a real winner for carp
Garbolino's G-Max Commercial Waggler is perfect for summer carp
Frenzee 13ft Precision match rod on test
Mark Parker goes to Wardour Castle
Nordik Octbox Mk2 2011 seatbox review
Andy Findlay Method Masterclass for carp
10ft Daiwa TDM rod review
Restoring and building cane carp rod
Fishing at Broom Fisheries - Scotland's premier commercial water
Steve Barraclough on pole fishing at different depths
Jan Porter on the tactics and tackle for feeder fishing for bream
Steve Oswick fishing at Yoke Hill
Fishing for pike on the fly
Pole fishing for canal chub - tips, tactics and the best baits
Tri-Cast John Allerton fishing rod on test
How to catch big tench when fishing large stillwaters and reservoirs
How to mix, make and catch more barbel and chub using paste baits
Jan Porter on how to catch more fish when waggler fishing part 1
Jan Porter on how to catch more fish when waggler fishing part 2
Stuart Redman's five top waggler fishing tips
Mark Sawyer reviews the 9.5m Carp Animal Tamer pole
Part 2: Mark Parker visits the famous Hampshire Royalty Fishery for a barbelling session
Part 1: Mark Parker visits the famous Hampshire Royalty Fishery for a barbelling session
Andy Dickinson: Three top tips to help you catch a huge barbel
Pete Bolt on pole fishing undercut banks for carp
Chris Weeder on pole fishing with sloppy groundbait for carp
Ora News - Ish ministri grek për Kaçifas: “Kush mban armë duhet të qëllohet nga policia”
How to make Jamie Masson's groundbait and pellet Method mix
Fishing for big barbel and chub on the Cudmore Fishery complex
Alan Scotthorne fishing for carp with the Drennan Method feeders
Extreme barbel fishing on the River Trent with PVA bags
Doğala Dönüş - 01 11 2018
River match and pleasure fishing ace Dave Harrell relaunches classic float
Sekreti për të qenë të bukur, Diola Dosti: Ja çfarë konsumonin perandorët në Kinën e lashtë
Mark Sawyer tests the Shimano Technium Pole
Arrow Valley fishery returns to form with 100lb weights of bream
Sea Angler reviews the new Sonik SKS beach fishing rod
Fishing for big bream on the quivertip and feeder tackle
Sea fishing for huge skate out of Oban in Scotland
The Big Pit Adventure - Episode 1, Part 2
What is groundbait and why use groundbait when fishing
Choosing groundbait, mixing groundbait and fishing with groundbait
Fishing and feeding groundbait for carp, bream, roach and tench
Groundbait feeder fishing tips for carp, bream, tench and roach
Rich and Terry's pike fishing adventures in Ireland
Jan Porter on the basics of pole fishing and pole angling tackle
Andy Searl's unique paternoster polyball rig
Nordik Placeholder
Paul Fenech joins Chris Clark at Hurst Castle, Hampshire
Chris Yates on how to make the perfect bankside cup of tea
Jan Porter feeder fishing for bream
How to catch big commercial carp weights using maggots
Fisherman John Wilson sings Lonnie Donegan
How to fish a slider float rig for bream, roach and hybrids
How to make the ultimate Method groundbait for big carp
The Big Pit Adventure - Episode 2, Part 2
The Big Pit Adventure - Episode 2, Part 1
Fishing a tidal river - How to do it - Part two
The bream are back in double figures at Attenborough
How to unhook a pike quickly and efficiently
Rob Edmund explains his tactics for Little Heath Farm Fishery on his first visit
Alan Stagg with his massive 5lb 4oz perch
Anyfish Anywhere's latest range of beach fishing rods reviewed
Ellis Brazier on spodding for pike
Andy Findlay on accurate casting
Three brilliant barbel river fishing tips
Superb sweetcorn fishing tips to help you catch all year round
The Multi carp rig explained in detail
The Zig carp fishing rig explained in detail