Videos archived from 04 June 2019 Evening
Highlights of the Masters Finals - World Bowling Men's Championships 2018World Bowling Tour Winners | Finals Preview
World Bowling Junior Championships 2019 Trailer
Singles Squad A (Lanes 11-14) - World Bowling Junior Championships
Singles Squad A (Lanes 7-10) - World Bowling Junior Championships
Singles Squad A (Lanes 19-22) - World Bowling Junior Championships
Singles Squad A (Lanes 23-26) - World Bowling Junior Championships
Day 1 Roundup | World Bowling Junior Championships 2019
Singles Squad B - World Bowling Junior Championships
Singles Squad B (Lanes 7-10) - World Bowling Junior Championships
Singles Squad B (Lanes 11-14) - World Bowling Junior Championships
Singles Squad B (Lanes 19-22) - World Bowling Junior Championships
Current Frame Scoring System | World Bowling Junior Championships 2019
Luciano - La Haine
Singles Squad B (Lanes 23-26) - World Bowling Junior Championships
Doubles Squad A - Lanes 11-14 - World Bowling Junior Championships
Girls Singles Semi Finals - World Bowling Junior Championships
Boys Singles Semi Finals - World Bowling Junior Championships
Doubles Squad A - Lanes 7-10 - World Bowling Junior Championships
Doubles Squad A - Lanes 23-26 - World Bowling Junior Championships
Doubles Squad A - Lanes 19-22 - World Bowling Junior Championships
Singles Finals - World Bowling Junior Championships
Guen Ji Semi Final 300 Game | World Bowling Junior Championships
Doubles Squad B - Lanes 7-10 - World Bowling Junior Championships
Doubles Squad B - Lanes 11-14 - World Bowling Junior Championships
Bayram tatilinde acı bilanço: 36 ölü, 275 yaralı
Doubles Squad B - Lanes 19-22 - World Bowling Junior Championships
Doubles Squad B - Lanes 23-26 - World Bowling Junior Championships
Day 2 Roundup | World Bowling Junior Championships 2019
Team Block 1- Lanes 23-26 - World Bowling Junior Championships
Team Block 1- Lanes 19-22 - World Bowling Junior Championships
Team Block 1- Lanes 11-14 - World Bowling Junior Championships
Team Block 1- Lanes 7-10 - World Bowling Junior Championships
Team Block 1 - World Bowling Junior Championships
Girls Doubles Semi Finals - World Bowling Junior Championships
Boys Doubles Semi Finals - World Bowling Junior Championships
Team Block 2 - Lanes 7-10 - World Junior Bowling Championships
Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan, Pençe Harekatı'na katılan Mehmetçiğe seslendi
Team Block 2 - Lanes 19-22 - World Junior Bowling Championships
Team Block 2 - Lanes 11-14 - World Junior Bowling Championships
Day 3 Roundup | World Bowling Junior Championships 2019
Boys Masters Step 1 - Lanes 11-14 - World Junior Bowling Championships
Boys Masters Step 1 - Lanes 19-22 - World Junior Bowling Championships
Le journal RTL de 18h du 04 juin 2019
Boys Masters Step 1 -Lanes 7-10 - World Junior Bowling Championships
Boys Masters Step 1 - World Junior Bowling Championships
Team Block 2 - Lanes 23-26 - World Junior Bowling Championships
Girls Masters Step 1- Lanes 7-10 - World Junior Bowling Championships
Girls Masters Step 1 - Lanes 19-22 - World Junior Bowling Championships
Girls Masters Step 1 - World Junior Bowling Championships
Girls Masters Step 1 - Lanes 11-14 - World Junior Bowling Championships
Team Semi Finals - World Junior Bowling Championships
Boys Masters Step 2 - Lanes 7-10 - World Junior Bowling Championships
Boys Masters Step 2 - Lanes 11-14 - World Junior Bowling Championships
Boys Masters Step 2 - World Junior Bowling Championships
Boys Masters Step 2 -Lanes 19-22 - World Junior Bowling Championships
Day 4 Roundup | World Bowling Junior Championships 2019
E3 2019: Lo que esperamos de Nintendo
Girls Masters Step 2 - Lanes 19-22 - World Junior Bowling Championships
Girls Masters Step 2 - Lanes 11-14 - World Junior Bowling Championships
Girls Masters Step 2 - World Junior Bowling Championships
Eski Bakan İşgüzar Edremit'te toprağa verildi
Girls Masters Step 2 - Lanes 7-10 - World Junior Bowling Championships
Masters Step 3 Boys and Girls -Lanes 21-24- World Junior Bowling Championships
Masters Step 3 Boys and Girls -Lanes 9-12- World Junior Bowling Championships
Masters Step 3 Boys and Girls -Lanes 25-28- World Junior Bowling Championships
Masters Step 3 Boys and Girls - World Junior Bowling Championships
Masters Semi Finals - World Junior Bowling Championships
Masters Semi Finals -Lanes 17-20- World Junior Bowling Championships
Singles Winners Interviews | World Bowling Junior Championships 2019
USA Doubles Boys & Girls Qualify for Final
Mexico Interview | Team Semi Final Winners | World Bowling Junior Championships 2019
First Ball of the WBJC2019 STRIKE
Team USA Girls Doubles take the GOLD
First Balls of the Boys Doubles at WBJC2019
Girls Masters Final WBJC2019
Boys Masters FInal WBJC2019
Ji Geun Takes The Boys Masters Gold!
Korea Win Team Gold WBJC2019
Mixed Team Final at the World Bowling Junior Championships 2019
Girls Doubles Final at the World Bowling Junior Championships 2019
Boys Masters Final at the World Bowling Junior Championships 2019
Team Korea at the World Junior Bowling Championships 2019
Girls Masters Final at the World Bowling Junior Championships 2019
Boys Doubles Final at the World Bowling Junior Championships 2019
Team Mexico at the World Junior Bowling Championships 2019
Team Finland at the World Junior Bowling Championships 2019
Team USA at the World Bowling Junior Championships
Trump alienta el Brexit y promete un acuerdo comercial "fenomenal"
This Common Backyard Issue Can Scare Away Potential Home Buyers
Équipe de France féminine : les encouragements du président - L'Info du Vrai du 04/06 - CANAL+
Un voleur d'IPad pas très futé
CdM (F) - Marta : "Être championne du monde avec le Brésil"
CdM (F) - Marta : "Être championne du monde avec le Brésil"
Devlet milletle bayramlaştı
EUA reforçam sanções contra Cuba
Luce with Naomi Watts - Official Trailer
Regardez ce qu'il va trouver au fond de cette cuve... Horrible