Minar Jonban, Isfahan, Iran 23.3.2013

  • 11 years ago
Minar-e-Jonban (The Swinging Minaret) is mausoleum of a mystic saint Amu Abdoullah Ibne Mohammad Ibne Mahmoud who died in 1316 AD. The mausoleum was built in 1316, while the minarets were added later by architect Bahaudin Amili (also known as Shaykh Bahai). It is located about 5-6 km from city centre.
While the tomb/mausoleum itself is an interesting piece of architecture, the main attraction is the two minarets or towers flanking the tomb. Because of the way they are constructed. The two minarets are 17 meters high from the ground level, with a distance between them of about 10 meters. When one of the minarets is shaken by pulling it, the other one starts shaking simultaneously, therefore, the vibration can be felt in the whole structure. This strange phenomenon attracts hundreds of visitors each day. It is a historical place worth visiting.
When I visited the place, 20 years ago, I climbed up one minaret and shook it myself which resulted in shaking of the whole building for about 40 seconds. This time the caretakers did not allow the visitors to shake the minaret. Instead one official would shake the minaret himself after reasonable interval for the entertainment of the visitors.


