A Hi-Q Moment

  • 11 years ago
So, we've had this simple brain teaser of a game in the family for many decades, making it's way into different draws, closets and in different houses. And the object of the game is to jump one red peg over the other horizontally or vertically. Each time you jump a peg you take it off the board. Eventually, if you're a genius like my sister, you figure out how to leave just one peg in the center. She solved this problem one rainy morning back in the late 70's. After bugging her non stop she taught me the secret and I've used this knowledge to make myself appear interesting at parties and traditional get togethers. When the small talk runs out I go for the game, leave one peg left in the center and it seems like I have an impressive intellect. I certainly do not. I just make up obscure music and record it, hence the soundtrack. I can tell you that once by accident I did end up with one peg on the board but it was not centered. Without using this pattern I'm usually good for two or three pegs left. Anyway, there are many variations used to get one peg left in the center. This one here is very symmetrical. I like that. I guess you could say this is kind of a spoiler but I'm passing on the knowledge so that you (the awkward character at parties) may finally have something to do that will at least get people's attention, however brief that may be. You probably won't get lucky but it's a good icebreaker. Enjoy.

Music : "A Pinyole Moment" from the CD "Gaga Over The S.O.P."
© 2010 by John Tabacco - Published by It Iz What It Iz Music (SESAC)