• 12 years ago
scouting fer new interesting spots she shows up at the abandoned amusement part she was nice enough to carry my Toyota to the local shop after it broke down then walked about town seeing the sights, who is going to argue with 50 foot cat girl, her following behind the car was nice no noobs tried to car jack me the night till it broke down and had to be carried to the shop. Wonder what would have happened if she was around earlier when somebody who looked like Dante tried to jump in the advert truck I was driving around with the SL 10th birthday and RFL banners on it.
After recovering the trashed vehicles went window shopping and roaming the city, the local trolly arrived and was talking cause cannot keep up with her walking, she found the Ghost busters fire house and was trying to peep in see if Peter Venkman might be in there. Cat girls get easily distracted in urban areas, so had to get her to focus, she ended up tripping over the trolly and derailed it. We kinda got out of there before they saw how the trolly got derailed. came back later with good sized truck and gave it nudge to get it it back on the rails again.
