• 12 years ago
Sofia Härdig "Yeah" taken from "Avantgarde Masterpieces"

-Essential compilation to understand the International Underground Culture-

Listen the whole album in: http://cremasterrecords.bandcamp.com

Additional exclusive video art´s piece :

Errorvision & Lazharus "El Angel Exterminador 2.0" (short film, 17:54)

Audiovisual piece created from found footage of Brook Hinton experimental series based on the systematic reconstruction of scenes and manipulation using stop motion at the same time (with some sequences of the same) frame and incorporating source material re-processing.

Link video HD: https://vimeo.com/34411219

Compilation edited by Cremaster Records & Liebe Records & Productions

Catalogue: [CRMSTR-02]
Release Out: Ja. 2011

Covers & artwork: Jesús Vögel

License Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 by Creative Commons


