• 11 years ago
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This is a collection of my first two attempts at ITC (Downey Method) Spirit Photography. Some of these images were obtained using a transparent, amber colored glass bowl, and others using a stainless steel pan. The idea is to use water, and natural daylight and begin causing some water movement while capturing video, and / or photos. The light reflection on the water will allow for spirits to manipulate color and light in order to show themselves. Upon examining your resulting video, frame by frame, (or in this case the photographs), you will begin to see familiar shapes, faces, symbols, etc. Some of these images, it can be argued, are caused by the mind's habit of forming visual information into familiar objects. Other results are a little more difficult to explain. I've experienced ghost or spirit people, faces, spirit pets, animals, eye balls, numbers, writings, entire scenes, familiar artworks, statues, angels, and many other creatures big and small. I have watched these clips at least 10 times (maybe more) and continue to find more faces and pictures, each time I watch. You will also notice that things can become much clearer or completely different when you watch the video full screen vs. small. It matters not to me if others see what I do, and I make no attempt to point out what you should or should not be seeing. That is up to you, and what you are meant to see. There is a story here (maybe many), most of which I don't understand yet, but that's part of the beauty of this. This is spiritual artwork in my opinion. There is nothing else like it. Although some of the pictures may seem disturbing, I do not believe they are meant to be. Spirit is simply expressing itself. I have seen these exact things my entire life everywhere around me, so when I started this process and saw that I was capturing things that were already familiar to me, it gave me validation that this is very real. If you are interested in learning more about this method, check out or search youtube for some of the other fascinating results here. Let me know what you see, and please remember to hit the like button, unless you hate it - in which case, please don't hit any buttons :-( Thanks for watching.
[All Music in this video is licensed under a CC Attribution 3.0. by Kevin Macleod at]
Check my other videos for similar footage of different orbs, partial spirit manifestation, ghostly mist, and some ghost / spirit photography. I continue to experiment on the various techniques out there for ghost / spirit communication, and post my results here. Please hit the like button, and subscribe. Thanks for watching!
