Wong's Astrology & Numerology:
Author: John Wong (黃仲佳)
John Wong's Prediction Technology: Prediction Technology & Mathelogical Ascertainment of Events (PT&MAE)
7.Wong's Prediction Technology: How to forecast death of Sita Chan, 1987-2013
Content: 1.Time Genetics 2.Special Timeons 3.Decade Fortune 4.Small Fortune 5.Sita Chan (陳僖儀)
Description: John Wong (Wong Chung Kai 黃仲佳) is a scientist and mathematician keen on Prediction Technology & Mathelogical Ascertainment of Events (PT&MAE). I know the motion of stars is the Diary of Jehovah, God, and time is a switch of an event. I establish a subject called Time Genetics to study the skills to forecast the occurrence of an event or ascertain a happened event by mathematical and logical approaches based on those formulae created and derived from events in history. I call the skills to forecast the fate of a person as Micro-Prediction. The time and place of birth are crucial. I call the skills to predict the destiny of a group of people as Macro-Prediction. Biblical prophecies are crucial. I assume all events occurred are caused by `Time Genes' and `Timeon' is a basic fate particle in a time gene. Actually, `Timeons' are real stars in the galaxies. They are huge `particles'. The composition of substances in a star produces unique gravitational force. The spectra of forces of stars are like electromagnetic waves. Each timeon has its specific influenceon an event. A time gene is a combination of timeons, called `Time Model'. Actually, a `Time Model' is celestial phenomenon of galaxies. Its power is the resultant of gravitational forces. I express the time genes in a general form of `Ln'. `L' is alphabets from A to J and `n' is numbers from 0 to 11. The alphabetical part is called the `Stem' of a time gene and the numerical part is called the `Root'. Both the stems and roots are recurring. The total number of combinations of stems and roots are 60, like `A0',`B1',...,`I10',`J11'. According to their sequence, time genes can also be expressed by numbers with two digits, like `01',`02',...,`58',`59',`60'. So, A0=01, B1=02, C2=03, ..., H9=58, I10=59, J11=60. They are the `Time Codes' in Time Genetics.
1. John Wong's University of Biblical Prophecy Science (JWUBPS) Post Doctoral Degree Course website: http://wck.orgfree.com/holybible
2. John Wong's Institute of Prediction Technology & Forensic Mathematics (JWIPT&FM) Post Doctoral Degree Course website: http://ptfm.orgfree.com
3. John Wong's Prediction Technology & Forensic Mathematics (PT&FM) website: http://ptmae.orgfree.com
4. Theme: How to predict Earth's great natural disaster or war? http://ihouse.hkedcity.net/~ec468280/nuclearwar/wckmain/main-e.htm#e-quake
5. The Mystery of Holy Bible: World's Seven Greatest Wisdom http://engfate.orgfree.com/7wisdom
6. The Mystery of Holy Bible: The World of Jehovah God: http://wck.orgfree.com/godworld
7. The Mystery of Holy Bible: Revelation and Apocalypse: http://wck.orgfree.com/apocalypse
Author: John Wong (黃仲佳)
John Wong's Prediction Technology: Prediction Technology & Mathelogical Ascertainment of Events (PT&MAE)
7.Wong's Prediction Technology: How to forecast death of Sita Chan, 1987-2013
Content: 1.Time Genetics 2.Special Timeons 3.Decade Fortune 4.Small Fortune 5.Sita Chan (陳僖儀)
Description: John Wong (Wong Chung Kai 黃仲佳) is a scientist and mathematician keen on Prediction Technology & Mathelogical Ascertainment of Events (PT&MAE). I know the motion of stars is the Diary of Jehovah, God, and time is a switch of an event. I establish a subject called Time Genetics to study the skills to forecast the occurrence of an event or ascertain a happened event by mathematical and logical approaches based on those formulae created and derived from events in history. I call the skills to forecast the fate of a person as Micro-Prediction. The time and place of birth are crucial. I call the skills to predict the destiny of a group of people as Macro-Prediction. Biblical prophecies are crucial. I assume all events occurred are caused by `Time Genes' and `Timeon' is a basic fate particle in a time gene. Actually, `Timeons' are real stars in the galaxies. They are huge `particles'. The composition of substances in a star produces unique gravitational force. The spectra of forces of stars are like electromagnetic waves. Each timeon has its specific influenceon an event. A time gene is a combination of timeons, called `Time Model'. Actually, a `Time Model' is celestial phenomenon of galaxies. Its power is the resultant of gravitational forces. I express the time genes in a general form of `Ln'. `L' is alphabets from A to J and `n' is numbers from 0 to 11. The alphabetical part is called the `Stem' of a time gene and the numerical part is called the `Root'. Both the stems and roots are recurring. The total number of combinations of stems and roots are 60, like `A0',`B1',...,`I10',`J11'. According to their sequence, time genes can also be expressed by numbers with two digits, like `01',`02',...,`58',`59',`60'. So, A0=01, B1=02, C2=03, ..., H9=58, I10=59, J11=60. They are the `Time Codes' in Time Genetics.
1. John Wong's University of Biblical Prophecy Science (JWUBPS) Post Doctoral Degree Course website: http://wck.orgfree.com/holybible
2. John Wong's Institute of Prediction Technology & Forensic Mathematics (JWIPT&FM) Post Doctoral Degree Course website: http://ptfm.orgfree.com
3. John Wong's Prediction Technology & Forensic Mathematics (PT&FM) website: http://ptmae.orgfree.com
4. Theme: How to predict Earth's great natural disaster or war? http://ihouse.hkedcity.net/~ec468280/nuclearwar/wckmain/main-e.htm#e-quake
5. The Mystery of Holy Bible: World's Seven Greatest Wisdom http://engfate.orgfree.com/7wisdom
6. The Mystery of Holy Bible: The World of Jehovah God: http://wck.orgfree.com/godworld
7. The Mystery of Holy Bible: Revelation and Apocalypse: http://wck.orgfree.com/apocalypse