Dummies with Money Establish a Savings Habit

  • 11 years ago
Do you know dummy with money? I do. In fact I know him personally. He has read all of the books on personal finance, he has attended all of the seminars, workshops, and private coaching meetings. He has read The Richest Man in Babylon, Think and Grow Rich, Rich Dad Poor Dad, and a host of other books. He should be an expert.

One day this young man was with his tax guy and his tax guy yelled at him. The tax guy said, “You made a six figure income last year and what do you have to show for it...NOTHING!” The young man was speechless. What could he say? He knew he was a dummy with money.
It doesn’t matter how much money you make. Blue collar workers and athletes lose their money. Entertainers go broke, business owners go broke, and everyday professionals lose their money. You chide how athletes blow through millions of dollars in a few years and file bankruptcy. You say that if you had that much money you will never be broke.
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