Are you looking for that Once in a Lifetime Opportunity? Internet Business Opportunities

  • 11 years ago
Are you like most people...looking for that Once in a Lifetime Opportunity

The language of success would suggest that all of us get that "Once in a Lifetime Opportunity" to succeed beyond our wildest dreams in our lifetime. But the problem is for most of us, we don't recognize it when we see it....

We as human beings are skeptical and conditioned not to believe that "the once in a lifetime opportunity" in front of us can't work...., won't work...., and if it does work.... won' work for US....

We can see where it may work for you... or her and maybe for him, but not for "ME"

Unfortunately we have been programmed from childhood to full understand the word "NO".... By the time you were 17 years old you have heard the word no about 150,000 times, so you completely understand the meaning of it....

How to Recognizing and take action on that Once in a Lifetime Opportunity when you see it!

Ok remember what you said, "I just need that one opportunity"

Well in order to get those opportunities.... You must stay in the game longer than other people are willing to stay, and you must make decisions other people are not willing to make....

....Why do you need "this once in a lifetime opportunity".... it to change your lifestyle?....

Are you wishing that someone would just give you an opportunity, just one so you could prove what it is you can do, and what it is your truly worth? And not to prove it to other people but more importantly to prove it to yourself!

That's the human conditioning..... Wanting that chance to prove it, whatever it maybe to show yourself that you are capable, or even sometimes other people as well....

Ask yourself one question....Are you serious?

How much do you really wanna to succeed....

How bad do you really want to accomplish your dreams?....

Ask yourself another series of questions..... What exactly are you willing to a sacrifice to accomplish your dreams?....

If you really wanted to lose 25 pounds.... have you set a specific date to lose it... what are you eating on a daily basis.... and are you working out regularly?

If your unemployed and been so for much no longer than you anticipated, what are you doing to get back into the job market right now....

Or maybe your pursuing a career in music.... are you practicing your craft multiple times per day, are you writing lyrics, are you recording yourself to study your strengths and weaknesses....

Well it's possible for you to market your business online today, and I will share with you ways of doing so... but if and ONLY if you pay close attention to the following and take action when you recognize it!....

Are you like most people...looking for that Once in a Lifetime Opportunity
