Svetol Green Coffee Extract Review - Real or Fraud

  • 11 years ago Ever since Dr. Oz came out on his hit TV show and recommended Green Coffee Bean Extract as a powerful and healthy weight loss tool, there has been an explosion of interest in this product by consumers and manufacturers alike. The problem with the manufacturing side was that many products that came to market were not real or had the right ingredients to make them effective. The ones that did have the right ingredients didn’t necessarily have the right proportions needed to produce the same results reported on the Dr. Oz show. The result was a lot of people came away disappointed with Green Coffee Bean Extract, and chalked up their experience to nothing but typical hype with no actual science to back up the huge claims. The truth is that “Green Coffee Bean Extract” has been around for over a decade and the results are proven. The key is getting the right product with the right ingredients so you can achieve the “miracle” results reported in numerous studies. These studies have been performed time and time again and the results have always shown incredible results for weight loss. The benefits of taking green coffee bean as an overall nutritional supplement has also been documented. You get the weight loss from an increase in metabolism, and the burning of the stored fat. However, it has also been documented that Green Coffee may lower your blood pressure and cholesterol, improve your heart health, detoxify your liver and improve your overall energy levels. All of this accomplished safely and naturally. The engine behind the success of green coffee is the antioxidant known as Chlorogenic Acid. It was discovered that raw, untreated green coffee contain a pure extract of this powerful antioxidant. It was found that Chlorogenic Acid (GCA) is critical for regulating excess blood sugar, which…
