AB Rocket Pakistan Call 03129010613

  • 11 years ago
It’s Never Too Late…
It’s never too late to develop those super six-pack abs or that
eye catching bikini body midriff! With the exciting new Ab Rocket,
the dull sit-up routine that never worked becomes easy, fun and
very effective in sculpting your new midsection! Remember the
neck strain and pain with your old fashioned sit-ups? How about
the struggle to lift your upper torso to complete the exercise?
The Ab Rocketeliminates the strain of doing sit-ups while giving
your abdominal muscles a great workout.
After using the Ab Rocket for just thirty days you will definitely notice:

reduced belly fat
your love handles beginning to disappear
the appearance of ab muscle definition
Ab Rocket Body Sculpting

Rockin’ with the Rocket
With the AB Rocket, just sit, lean on the back rest and rock back. Your neck and back are supported while the contoured back rest provides resistance while you press backwards. Your abs are working against the resistance as you go back, then the Ab Rocket provides gentle assistance as you complete the difficult forward movement. No more struggling to get to an upright sitting position
or pulling your head forward to help you get there! The cushioned rollers on the back rest glide back and forth, enhancing the benefits of your ab workout with a great back massage.
Workout with the signature Ab Rocket Crunch, Reverse Crunch and Oblique Crunch to obliterate your love handles and turn your spare tire into rocket hard abs! Ab Rocket is also an Pilates Assister.
Why spend thousands on expensive abdominal exercise equipment
or gym memberships when the Ab Rocket is your answer in one unique exercise machine. It’s remarkable design allows it to be
folded up for easy storage under a bed or in your closet.

Cash on Delivery Available Anywhere in Pakistan.
For Order: Call 03129010613 03149471769

Or visit: http://www.mytelemall.com/product-ab-rocket-pakistan.php
