Dernières impressions récoltées au dernier jour de la Half Ton Classics Cup 2013 à Boulogne-sur-Mer. Avec Rainbow, Smiffy, Collector, Findus, Checkmate et les organisateurs du Yacht Club Boulonnais.
Last takes at the end of the Half Ton Classics Cup 2013 in Boulogne-sur-Mer. With the teams from Rainbow, Smiffy, Collector, Findus, Checkmate and words from the organisers at the Boulogne Yacht Club.
Last takes at the end of the Half Ton Classics Cup 2013 in Boulogne-sur-Mer. With the teams from Rainbow, Smiffy, Collector, Findus, Checkmate and words from the organisers at the Boulogne Yacht Club.