Will My Credits Transfer?College CreditTransfer Opportunities at Kaplan University

  • 11 years ago
As if changing schools weren’t frustrating enough, there is also the often incomprehensible process of transferring credits. Some colleges and universities simply do not accept transfer credits based on their own rules and standards. Therefore, the outcome for the student is often the same—he/she will have to spend more time and money on their education.
Kaplan University offers great flexibly when applying transfer credits for students. Our Prior Learning Assessment Center reviews each credit that you earned at other institutions to determine if they are acceptable. Will my credits transfer? While there are no guarantees, Kaplan University accepts many college credits.
Degree plans at Kaplan University are also very flexible. Instead of declaring a single major and sticking to a rigid program of study, you can take electives that could give you the practical skills you need to compete and excel in the modern workforce.
Kaplan University is also offers credits for life and work experience. When accepted, these course credits can save you time and money on your education. We also offer a portfolio development course that is popular with older students. Why?
This five quarter credit course was developed for new students who want to document their college-level experience and then submit it for consideration for college credits. Students who complete this class earn an average of 26quarter credits, which is equal to 5 full courses.
We also offer the Kaplan Commitment℠, which allows students to take classes for 3 weeks with no tuition. In that time, you will earn real credits and have the opportunity to work with our faculty advisers, who will help you create a plan of study that is right for you. There is no financial obligation beyond the application fee.


