• 12 years ago
Magical Taruruuto-kun review. http://www.ClassicGameRoom.com Shop CGR shirts & mugs! http://www.CGRstore.com Classic Game Room presents a CGR Undertow review of Magical Taruruuto-kun for Game Boy developed by TOSE and published by Bandai. Magical Taruruuto-kun started out in 1988 in the pages of legendary manga anthology Shonen Jump, and - like almost every series out of that same mag - quickly found its way onto every console that would have it. However, unlike every other Taruruuto-kun title (from the Famicom to the Super Famicom, and the Mega Drive to the Game Gear), this time, instead of playing as the Magical Taruruuto-kun himself, you play as put-upon everykid Honmaru, the straight man to all the magical antics. And platforming's a whole lot more difficult when you're just a regular kid. (Fortunately, you've got help.) This video review features video gameplay footage of Magical Taruruuto-kun for Game Boy and audio commentary from Classic Game Room's TJ.
