Kashmir Black Day – 27 October 2013

  • 11 years ago
Pakistan and throughout the world will observe Black Day to express solidarity with the people of Kashmir and to convey to India that they reject its illegal occupation of Jammu and Kashmir. It was on October 27 in 1947 when Indian troops landed in Srinagar and forcibly occupied Jammu and Kashmir in total disregard to the partition plan of the Subcontinent and against the aspirations of people of Kashmir.

The cardinal principal for the partition of India was that majority Muslim regions would become part of Pakistan and majority Hindu regions would form part of India. But a different formula was contrived for the princely states to benefit India, which was not acceptable to the people of Kashmir. Apart from Jawaharlal Nehru, other accomplices in this greatest human tragedy were Maharaja Hari Singh, Cyril Radcliff and head of the Boundary Commission. In blatant violation of the Partition Plan and against the popular will of Kashmiri Muslim, India announced the accession of Jammu and Kashmir under a controversial Instrument of Accession.

Kashmiris continue to suffer death and destruction as every day peaceful resolution is deferred, and international community is not at all moved by their plight. No western chancellery uttered a world of protest as the India set its trigger-happy soldiers upon unarmed demonstrators to clobber and pummel them, to kill and disable them methodically and systematically. During the last 24 years only, the trigger-happy forces have martyred 93,935 Kashmiris, widowed nearly 23,000 women, orphaned 1,07,461 children and molested or gang-raped more than 10,000 Kashmiri women. After the failure of all peaceful means to settle the Kashmir dispute, disappointed and disillusioned by protracted bilateral negotiations between India and Pakistan, Kashmiri youth had taken up arms in 1989. But, after 9/11 events, Kashmiris that are fighting for their right of self-determination are dubbed as terrorists.

The US and the West have shown indifference to Kashmiris’ miseries. Only when a public protest fits into geopolitical designs of the western powers, they instantly glorify it as a popular movement; award it the honors of a color label; and also lend it the money muscle power. Just recall their so-labeled the Orange Revolution of Ukraine, the Rose Revolution of Georgia, the Cidar Revolution of Czechoslovakia not in the distant past. The Kashmiris have not been lucky; their movement stays unblessed with a color label. From these exalted powers, as from India, their movement has got only a name: Terrorism. Nevertheless, the resolution of Kashmir dispute lies in tripartite negotiations between India, Pakistan and the accredited leadership of the people of Jammu & Kashmir from both sides of the Cease-fire Line or Line of Control.


