• il y a 17 ans
SIX MEN GETTING SICK (Six Figures) - 1967 - David Lynch

D'autres VIDEOS lynchiennes sur mon compte, n'hésitez pas ! Other Lynch stuff in my acount, want to check!

Six Men Getting Sick est un film d'animation de 1967. IL s'agit une boucle élaborée pour un écran-sculpture, une sorte de film-painting qui marque la transition pour David Lynch de la peinture et la sculpture vers le cinéma proprement dit.

It is during these years in Philadelphia (years very black for Lynch who considered this city as the most dark and decadent of all) that he will create " Six figures ".

This film was designed to be projected on a special screen-sculpture whose surface comprised, at precise places, reliefs representing heads and of 3D arms. The film was projected on those in relief, and were deformed by them.

Et aussi, n'oubliez pas de faire un tour sur le groupe ELECTROCLASH ici:
