FFXIV - Ifrit Hardmode

  • 11 years ago
Just a rough video showing the Ifrit Hardmode from BLM PoV in FFXIV.

Some things to remember with this fight is;
* Avoid the cracky magma like AoE that shows up on the ground. The tanks should stun during Eruption to prevent this.
* Tank him facing away from the group.
* At points, he'll jump and burst across the map. Don't stand in its path. At further points as fight go on, he'll create copies with same pattern.
* Kill the Infernal Nails as soon as possible. If you don't, his Hellfire attack will kill everyone. Best is for SMN/BLM to use Lv3 Limit Break Meteor to blast them all.
* Avoid the lava like pits on the ground. Generally it follows a set pattern, as can be seen in the video. (Outer -> Middle -> Entire Map Besides Boss).
