Find heaven with soul and self-findings

  • 11 years ago
Self-development, self-improvement, understanding the inner or hidden self whatever you may call it, what it really is about is soul and self-findings. We all understand the various terms that have been mentioned above. In fact, most of them also use some techniques for achieving these various aspects. But most of us dont think about the ultimate goal the ultimate self that is to be achieved through these techniques. When thinking of self-development, we thing about developing our personality and mannerisms to increase our work efficiency and decrease our stress levels. We practice various meditative techniques and some oriental exercises like yoga for a better life style. But is that the only purpose that these techniques fulfill? Is that all that our ancestors aimed at, considering that at that time people did not face such stresses and tensions that we do in the modern world? The answer is they wanted to achieve something very special something imperishable.
