Oasis HD 2013 Christmas Special with (Actor Film Star/Singer Alicia Keys) with video clips of the film "The Secert Life Of Bees" with also film star Dokota Fanning and host Jamaal Finkley in a talk show! Oasis HD brings you back the times of "The Good Old Days"
Tip: Email this clip to a someone for the holidays.... (smile)
Happy Holidays from Oasis HD!
Oasis HD Entertainment
Youngstown, Ohio
102.3 F.M. Pirate Radio
"Youngstown Different Radio Station"
Oasis HD 2013 Christmas Special with (Actor Film Star/Singer Alicia Keys) with video clips of the film "The Secert Life Of Bees" with also film star Dokota Fanning and host Jamaal Finkley in a talk show! Oasis HD brings you back the times of "The Good Old Days"
Tip: Email this clip to a someone for the holidays.... (smile)
Happy Holidays from Oasis HD!
Oasis HD Entertainment
Youngstown, Ohio
102.3 F.M. Pirate Radio
"Youngstown Different Radio Station"