• 12 years ago
http://www.westernsontheweb.com watch western movies and TV show episodes online. SUNDOWN ORIGINAL WESTERN SERIES, LAWMAN episode 1 Original western webisode series. PURCHASE THE ORIGINAL Sundown THEME Song on ITUNES https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/sun... WRITTEN & DIRECTED BY Bob Terry SUNDOWN is an original western web episode series produced by Westerns On The Web. This series is being made in the tradition of the old late 1950s and early 1960s western television series shows episodes. SUNDOWN - ORIGINAL WESTERN WEB EPISODE SERIES SHOW. Don Kay ( Little Brown Jug ) Reynolds as DOC BROWN -- IMDB on Don Kay Reynolds - http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0721690/ Moe Headrick as FRANK -- Moe's page at Western Harvest Media -http://www.westernharvestmedia.com/mo... , IMDB page on Moe Headrick http://www.imdb.com/find?q=moe+headri... Scott Mendes as JEB -- 1997 PRCA World Champion Bull Rider -- Scott is owner of Western Harvest Media http://westernharvestmedia.com -- Scott Mendes web site http://www.conqueringthebeast.com Bobby Miles as BEN -- Bobby Miles Reining Horses - http://www.bobbymiles.com R.W. Hampton as MARSHAL JIM LANE -- http://www.rwhampton.com Sam Yoder as THE KID -- Yoder Brother's Log Furniture - https://www.facebook.com/pages/Yoder-... Kirby Jonas as GRAY -- Western Author Kirby Jonas - http://www.kirbyjonas.com Faye Taylor as MRS. WALLACE -- Character Actress - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sj0IMr... Johnie Terry as J.T. O'MARA -- co-Owner of Westerns On The Web - http://www.westernsontheweb.com Bob Terry as BOB McLYNTECK -- co-Owner of Westerns On The Web - http://www.westernsontheweb.com Jessie Robertson as Jessie Banks, Jimmy McCarley as Sheriff Buck Merritt, Kristyn Harris as Rose Waggoner, Chance Terry and Caz Wright as Cowhands EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS & PRODUCTION DESIGNERS Bob Terry, Johnie Terry PRODUCED BY, DIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHY, EDITED BY, CASTING DIRECTOR, UNIT PRODUCTION MANAGER, Bob Terry MUSIC BY Chance Terry, Terry Family and some sound recordings used by fair use and taken from public domain footage. SUNDOWN ORIGINAL THEME WRITTEN & Performed by CHANCE TERRY. PRODUCTION ASSISTANTS Cholla Terry,,Chance Terry, Caz Wright. ON SET DRESSER Our folks dress themselves! CAMERA OPERATOR's & Grips Cholla Terry, Chance Terry, Caz Wright, Johnie Terry, Bob Terry, Kaden Mendes, Wanda Headrick. MAKEUP DEPARTMENT Johnie Terry. COSTUMES Westerns On The Web & Old West Saddle Shop. HORSE WRANGLERS Chance Terry, Sara Getz, Moe Headrick, Scott Mendes, Sam Yoder, Wanda Headrick, Bob Terry, Cholla Terry, Charriot Terry. SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING MANAGER Cholla Terry. Created by Robert S. Terry Filmed In TEXAS and KANAB UTAH U.S.A. This Motion Picture, Story, Screenplay, Original Score © 2013 Robert S. Terry WWW.WESTERNSONTHEWEB.COM All material is protected under Copyright Laws of the United States and all countries throughout the world. All rights reserved. We Thank God Almighty for Blessing us with the ability to do these productions.
