The Pushbutton Emailer is the Best

  • 11 years ago
Bob Ullman 603-888-7788 Hi it's Bob Ullman in Sunny Florida and I wanted to emphasize once again the power of the Push Button Emailer.This is proving to be an amazing tool for building my internet business and it can do the same for you. To be able to build your list for about 5 cents per optin is just awesome. I am already making sales from this list and I am now getting 60 leads per day. I will be tripling up on this program so that I can massively increase the optin lead flow and the good news is that I can buy the 2nd and 3rd system from myself for literally about $2.00 per day. Imagine getting 180 leads per day into your own auto responder and that can help your business. If you are aware of this and not doing it you should check your pulse. This is one great step on the path to success and I highly encourage you to get started right now. You are also welcome to check out my broadcaster and my viral blogging network/social syndication at I will catch you later. Have a great day!!