Toussaint Louverture (20 May 1743 – 7 April 1803)

  • 11 years ago
Toussaint Louverture was a leader of the Haitian Revolution against slavery, racism and injustice towards mankind.

Especially towards African men, women and their children forcibly removed from the continent of Africa by any means necessary for profit by the French Kingdom ...for the ever growing wealth of a privileged few to the demise of the majority living in the Kingdom of France.

The Haitian Revolution begun on the night of August 14, 1791, when a Vodou priest by the name of Dutty Boukman a self educated African slave born on island Jamaica.

Boukman was sold by his English slave master to a French plantation owner, after attempting to teach other Africans enforced into slavery how to read, it was his Vodou ceremony on the French colony of Saint Domingue... that would ignited the Haitian Revolution.

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